Not even slightly surprised by this turn of events 8 comments
· 10 years ago
One time I was trying to take a picture in front of a pond far away from any swans and one came over just to bite me. Same thing happened at the zoo swan/geese/duck pond. So swans around here are douchebags. :b Geese on the other hand are pretty friendly, I was sitting under a tree by a creek full of ducks and one goose and the goose came and just kinda hung around me. She nibbled grass within five feet of me and even sat down pretty close and watched me read my book, I think she was lonely.
Not even slightly surprised by this turn of events 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I hate swans. I've never had any trouble with geese but I've been bitten by swans more than once.
Woman judge muscularity different than men do 47 comments
· 10 years ago
Me either. A guy who is a bit toned is nice but once they get all bulgy its kind of a turn off for me. And I'm not into the narrow waist either, I like the guys that are a bit more rectangular in the torso.
Pretty accurate 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I find it funny how people use technology to bitch about technology...
Inky cap mushroom 16 comments
I bet it's the matriarchy that did this 35 comments
I bet it's the matriarchy that did this 35 comments
· 10 years ago
You are seriously not getting the point here. Barbie was created with the WILLFUL INTENTION as something for little girls to want to be. The whole point of creating barbie in the first place was that she was the PERFECT WOMAN. THE COMPANY MADE HER SO LITTLE GIRLS WOULD ASPIRE TO HER ON PURPOSE. He-Man is a cartoon super hero that was made into a doll so that kids could play with him. He's jacked because he has super strength and magical powers. I never said a company could control anyone, the difference is that Mattel made Barbie the "ideal woman" while He-Man is a super hero rather than the "ideal man". And where the hell did I EVER say that boys aren't pressured to fit into an ideal? Oh, that's right, I DIDN'T. The only item I disagreed with were the dolls. Don't just tack things onto my argument that aren't there and, oh I don't know, maybe actually read what I said before replying.
Fun starter pack 4 32 comments
· 10 years ago
Ehh not for me, I've always been a bit creeped out by bulging veins. But good for you if it helps you get the ladies.
Fun starter pack 4 32 comments
I bet it's the matriarchy that did this 35 comments
· 10 years ago
That isn't my point. Whether or not a little boy wants to be like a super hero isn't something the company can control. Barbie was created and marketed as the ideal woman she was INTENDED (originally) as something for little girls to want to be. Super hero dolls are marketed as fantasy. Notice how (most) women don't have an issue with Wonder Woman or Supergirl dolls? Sure some people may complain that they are scantily clad, but there is no huge widespread anger over them because they were intended to be fantasy like He-Man.
I bet it's the matriarchy that did this 35 comments
· 10 years ago
Ok the doll thing isn't the same. Barbie was marketed as the "ideal woman" originally, those boy dolls are superheroes except the wrestler. They were never marketed as something to aspire to.
The Logic Doesn't Make Sense 15 comments
Humans who look like cartoon characters 16 comments
· 10 years ago
Ursula is based off of Divine so why would you compare her to Honey Boo Boo's mother and not her? They don't look anything alike other then they're both fat anyway.
Pockets 39 comments
· 10 years ago
My 11 year old 88 lb rail thin sister frequently get xs shirts from the women's section so I don't know where you're shopping.
Pockets 39 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm gonna call bs here because I have a friend who is extremely skinny, like seemingly unhealthy skinny, and she's never had any issue with finding clothes. And as for the stores there just simply isn't enough demand for them to justify creating them otherwise someone would have already done it.
The Logic Doesn't Make Sense 15 comments
· 10 years ago
They're illegal because we have a law against inedible things inside of food. They aren't being targeted they just fall under the law.
DIY shuriken 4 comments
f*ck you santa taking all the credit, but its all about the childrens happiness 13 comments
· 10 years ago
My parents always gave us one or two "gifts from Santa" and then the rest were from them.
Some people really need to get this 18 comments
· 10 years ago
Depends on what your problem is. If you're making a huge deal about something stupid then yeah it kinda does because people are dying slow agonizing deaths from starvation while you bitch about not being able to get a chic fil a sandwich on Sunday. If you broke your leg or a pet dies those are not problems that can be diffused by saying that kids in Africa have it worse.
bad-ass chicken 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Just remember that chickens outnumber people. Soon you shall pay, YOU SHALL ALL PAY!!!
This Doesn't Make Any Sense 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Also bacteria from dog poo can seep into the water table when it rains and not all water treatment facilities are equipped to filter that out. Horses are herbivores and have less dangerous bacteria in their dropping than omnivores such as dogs. If you bag dog poo and throw it in the garbage it goes to the dump rather than your water.
Satan Wrap 19 comments
I can't believe I never did this 16 comments
· 10 years ago
I took ceramics all four years of HS I loved that class. One time I made Princess Bubblegum figurine and she turned out really nice but when my teacher fired the batch she was in some buttholio had an air pocket in their figurine so mine got destroyed. /: