

— supernovamike Report User
Disney princesses in accurate period clothing 25 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
And he says "Praise Allah!" when he finds out that Jasmine likes Prince Ali.
I can just imagine that movie coming out today. It would be the s***storm of the century.
Two free hot dogs! Hey wait a second 11 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
Where do you live? All my life I've been buying hot dogs in packs of 10.
Which is extremely odd, considering that hot dog buns always come in packs of 8.
Glad someone somewhere figured it out.
Disney princesses in accurate period clothing 25 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
It says "Disney princesses", so "Disney version of the story" should be implied.
And therefore eliminate smoking eventually altogether 34 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
I suppose if you're going to trounce all over individual liberties, you might as well do something good while you're at it.
They are called aliens 20 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
Track them down and hammer a nail into their heads. See if they feel it then.
Disney princesses in accurate period clothing 25 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
My comment wasn't a reply to yours; I get what you meant :P
Disney princesses in accurate period clothing 25 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
The title song is "Arabian Nights." Consider that.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
Is there a tl;dr version of that?
Earth, Venus, and Jupiter as seen from Mars 8 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
The Solar System isn't always layed out in a neat line like in your 8th-grade textbook. They're each orbiting the Sun at different rates, which puts them in different places. It is entirely possible (though admittedly less common) to see both Earth and Jupiter from Mars at the same time.
Here's a diagram showing how:
Earth, Venus, and Jupiter as seen from Mars 8 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
The planets are almost aligned... Hercules better get himself together soon.
Disney princesses in accurate period clothing 25 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
So... pretty much what they were already wearing.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
There's an interesting question -- if a man doesn't have the right to have a say in the abortion, does a woman have the right to go after him for support payments if she keeps the child?
Kinda seems like the man gets screwed over either way.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
I don't really see why that should be a special case. If you're mature enough to be using contraceptives, you should be mature enough to know that they do not guarantee that you won't get pregnant. If you're willing to take the risk, I don't see why you have the right to opt out if the dice roll isn't in your favor.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
I just don't see where "the right to her body" is being denied. If she was raped, that's a valid argument. But if it was consensual, pregnancy is a completely natural consequence.
It doesn't make sense to me that rights should supercede nature itself.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
That it doesn't explicitly need YOU. It just needs safety and nutrients. If it can get them from somewhere else, that works just as well.
If you put a 6-month old out in the park with a basket of apples, it would die too. btw.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
Apparently such a person doesn't exist, anha. We're so invested in our stereotypes that people don't even consider that possibility.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
All a fetus needs to survive are a suitable environment and the necessary nutrition. If it has that, it doesn't need the mother. Those are the same needs all organisms, all humans, have.
One day we will have medical technology to support fetal development with no pregnancy involved at all. Does the definition of a human life change at that point?
· Edited 8 years ago
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
Maybe they aren't ready for it. But is that justification for killing it?
Is growing up in poverty worse than not growing up at all?
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
I knew a man in South Africa who discovered that his ex-wife had aborted 13 of his children without telling him. It absolutely destroyed him. I've never seen such a strong man cry like that.
He should have a say because they're his kids too. Just because you're not physically carrying them doesn't mean you can't love them.
*Comment War Begins* 130 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
But if you are of the opinion that the fetus is a human being, what good person would just sit by and allow murder because "it's none of my business"?
Your argument makes sense from your perspective. But not from theirs. That's why everyone has such a hard time getting along. There's no empathy.
Cats vs dogs 6 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
New favorite quote.
The guy from 127 Hours vividly describes his experience cutting his arm 4 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
I made it to 2:45 before I got too grossed out to keep listening. :P
See what dolphins see 15 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
Except that's not actually how they view us, that's a visual representation of how they view us. Something that we can perceive.
We can't experience how echolocation works unless we actually have echolocation. Saying that this is how echolocation works for dolphins is like explaining color to a blind person. We can't experience what our brains are not wired to perceive. Best we can do is make approximate representations like this one.
11 · Edited 8 years ago
it's just a breast 70 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
Are you taking my comment too seriously?
Yes, I think so.
it's just a breast 70 comments
supernovamike · 8 years ago
It was out of style like two decades ago. It's just too much. :P