You got what you asked for... 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't like thin pizza...
I dont need your crap Youtube. 5 comments
· 10 years ago
It was just for fun. She was making fun of people that think they're all that.
I hope...
I hope...
Sunken yacht in Antarctica 1 comments
Seems legit 4 comments
A bunch of Bees were fed M&M's. This is their honeycomb after 21 comments
· 11 years ago
I wonder if it tastes like m&ms... they should just start selling this stuff. That would be amazing!
The cutest breakfast 7 comments
Hearts of gold 35 comments
· 11 years ago
I used to have a pit bull named bella. She was the sweetest dog. Lovable and playful. My dads girlfriend moved in and she didn't seem to like the other dog. She was around many other dog but she didn't like this one. He was a 14 year old blind mixed lab. We always kept them separated in the house but one day we ran out really quick for some Mcdonalds. While we were gone the blind dog knocked over the big fence between them and Bella attacked her. We don't know exactly what happened but when we came home Bella had ripped our lab apart under the dinner table... there were four pieces of her... I cried so hard... Bella was waiting at the door, face covered in blood, wagging her nub tail like she did something good. We put her down because they didn't trust her around me since I was only 8...
COME BACK!!!!! 39 comments
· 11 years ago
I was gonna say WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?? then I read Tom Hiddleston. That makes sense.
Corals can die of stress 21 comments
He's a hero 22 comments
· 11 years ago
She complains? If a boy did this for me I would be the happiest girl to know that that boy cared about me that much...
Making the whole world happy 27 comments
Corals can die of stress 21 comments
When my crush rejects me 20 comments