

I'm terribly lost

— TarotNathers13th Report User
Ya twat 3 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
Once, people had thick skin 7 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
Well spoken sir.
Stupidity check 1 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
Gimme a prybar, I want to see how many idiots have fed 100 dollars to this machine.
This is what makes America great 21 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
Are you conceding the point that his laws and policies are not racist?
This is what makes America great 21 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
Thankfully the lawmakers and legislators actually read the stuff he wants to do and translate into law and it mysteriously doesn't break any precedents or laws or existing standards.
This is what makes America great 21 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
I don;t know if anyone has told you this, but wanting stronger borders and better border enforcement/policies doesn't equate to anti-immigration. It equates to giving the boot to anyone who does not go through the process of acquiring legal entry to a country, and turning back anyone who is a credible threat in the eyes of our courts of law.
What do you think? 18 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
I remember someone once tied a wire around neck eight across a public biking path because they didn't like hearing noise coming from the path when people where on off road motorbikes. They almost decapitated some poor stranger that way.
Nerd Fight 10 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
Starfleet may come bearing a message of peace and unity, but they did not fail to bring with them enough ordinance to make any aggressive space borne species think twice before attempting to engage in combat with any of their ships.
Looks like playing games teaches you skills 5 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
Betcha a buck he was camping corners.
chich 19 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
Or someone scared that who they are is being threatened. I wouldn't hold it against them.
chich 19 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
Okay then I guess I resort to cannibalism that won't include gay folks,
Murica 17 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
With lots of big guns, bless the French for that.
chich 19 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
In a desperate time, I will always choose chicken tendies. People will betray you, slander you, and hurt you. The only time a chicken tendy hurt me was when I ate one off the ground.
Nice try separatist gf 6 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
You asking this question. Everyone has their flaws and talents, to ask me to outline them in this fashion is likely to result in damage to our relationship, and in an attempt to prevent this, I would ask you not to have me answer. It is one thing to reveal an insecurity, it is another to have someone you love outline and them ask that you change it to suit them.
Work hard. Have fun. Make history 10 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
They'd probably get fired in all honesty. There's so many temp hires and whatnot that they probably can get away with firing people over small infractions without too much of a hassle.
Why? 3 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
I'm pretty sure an average dad would really appreciate a $4000 self riding mower and snowblower all in one deal so if you think your father is interested, call 555-XXXX right now.
Work hard. Have fun. Make history 10 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
My cousins picked up a job at amazon during their Christmas workload, and while they didn't tell me any terrible stories like this, it was not easy work. You had a five minute break to use the bathroom, and that included the walk to and back. If would not surprise me if some facilities are really harsh and strict enough to warrant what the post above claims.
Such a crazy idea 8 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
Game haters 17 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
Robbing a homeless guy of the stuff he has in his hat while he's begging is rewarding, just not in the way giving him some change out of your pocket would reward you.
Game haters 17 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
That's life. No one is going to go through life being a perfect example of either paradigm. She's not asking for completely sterilized games, just for the choice, which is there. Many games let you be compassionate, but they also allow you to act on less helpful inclinations.
I would 18 comments
tarotnathers13th · 5 years ago
I'm about to fight an alligator for money. If all goes wrong, I'll still have a kick ass epitaph on my gravestone.
American guns 43 comments
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
A pellet gun. Cracked a school window, and it classified under the same conditions, as the instance where 28 young children died. I find it hard to take that seriously.
Turbulence 11 comments
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
"Rationality goes out the window in a Crisis"
American guns 43 comments
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
Octopus, this sounds heartless, but only eight shootings from 2010 and onwards had fatalities over 5, the highest being Sandy Hook. There are over at least 70 cases where only one person or less was killed, and there are 7 instances of no one being wounded, or killed, and one of those seven bloodless shootings had an instance where a frigging pellet gun cracked a school building window. I fail to see how this record on Wikipedia is supposed to scare me.
Realistic 56 comments
tarotnathers13th · 6 years ago
Every time a games company backpedals onto "My player base who dislikes what we have revealed is sexist" kicks up a shitstorm. Just like how some "feminists" claim that since men have the potential to rape, they are all potential rapists, They effectively plug their ears to any actual criticism and pass it off as an invalid, sexist opinion. EA and Dice did not make the right decision to label their player base as misogynists. If they had handled it better, then there wouldn't be this mess currently mucking up the talk around Battlefield V. Better they come out of the gate saying Battlefield V is an interpretive take on the events of WW2 than fall back on that argument later. Controversial sure, but a far better action to take than label people who love your games as sexists.