My wife got me an engraved watch band. A little ominous… 1 comments
· 2 years ago
Statistically, the women in your life will outlive you.
It's a classic 4 comments
· 2 years ago
Well, they are kinda crossing the line regardless. And they did send a missile to a train station packed with civilians while they boasted they had struck a military supply point. Implying they haven't crossed lines and this is all some mega brained play from western powers to make Russia look bad falls apart with the simplest explanation, is that Russia has no problems making itself look bad. It just needs to convince Russians they aren't.
I go for 1 or 4 4 comments
· 2 years ago
1 or 2. Aiming for 3 and 4 unless I adjust my position means the stream upon ending will drop into the water. Plus the distance makes it louder.
OMG it really works! 6 comments
· 2 years ago
It was a medicine prescribed by a doctor to a patient asking for potential treatment.
Never underestimate the power of resentment 5 comments
· 2 years ago
Lobotomy is one of the most horrifying fates I can think of. I've heard of her story and especially was shocked by how the procedure was carried out. It struck me as they were discerning whether or not she was still a person.
If it looks like a cult .. 5 comments
· 2 years ago
Guess that's why the RNC pulled out the presidential debate commission.
The correspondence between the Ilkhan and the Pope are some of the funniest shit one 2 comments
· 2 years ago
And "decide to get in the way" can also mean "happens to be in the way"
Mint condition 7 comments
· 2 years ago
If left alone it can sometimes fix itself. Shame all the warning labels stopped that.
The correspondence between the Ilkhan and the Pope are some of the funniest shit one 2 comments
· 2 years ago
Turns out when you can steamroll/decimate/ whoever decides to get in your way you don't have to engage in silly little things like treaties, armistices, ceasefires, or any of that other negotiating nonsense. That's for the folks you roll up on.
Eye'll be watching you 2 comments
· 2 years ago
Psychologically, it makes you feel like you're being watched. Even simple drawings of eyes that could be construed as an eye have the same effect.
Lean, green, dye-ing machine 3 comments
· 2 years ago
The dye poured into the river for St. Patrick's is non-pollutant. They've been doing it since 1962, and no issues have cropped up. Supposedly the recipe for the stuff is a closely guarded secret. It starts as an orange dye before it turns the river green. The only worry from enviros is that copycats might start dying rivers with non-safe materials.
De Hobbit 1 comments
· 2 years ago
If had the memory, I could probably name the dwarves from the colors of their hood.
Time to Pound It 4 comments
Imagine the recoil 19 comments
· 2 years ago
That arrowhead brake is gonna vent some of that spicy goodness back into your face. Or act as an impromptu flashbang.
YugiPro #39 - The Cards, the Cards, the Cards Will Tell... 2 comments
· 2 years ago
Cool, I have no idea how yugioh works but I won't say no to being a fiend.
I'm going to bed. No, I'm going to hit some guests... 10 comments
· 3 years ago
That's basis for why I believe we could possibly travel forward in time, the airplane analogy is really good, I pictured it as when we go to sleep, we wake up in the future. Technically, we are constantly moving towards the potential future, but always never reach it since it becomes the present.
I'm going to bed. No, I'm going to hit some guests... 10 comments
· 3 years ago
I'm merely convinced that if time travel were possible, you simply are unable to travel backwards in time.
Humans are humans 14 comments
· 3 years ago
My problem is for talking about European colonialism, he fails to point out anything unique or particularly eye-catching about it. I suppose my problem reading the tweet doesn't give any new information since all I see is "__________: Is that yours? It's mine now." To me it just feels like a lazy meme template using genericity instead of specificity passed off as wisdom. I didn't learn anything new from the tweet about Europe and their colony making period of history.
Edited 3 years ago
Humans are humans 14 comments
· 3 years ago
"Is that yours? It' mine now." Is six words that can be acclaimed to any culture that did anything resembling conquering, be it another nation, or the tribe just past the river. That's the fault I find with Neil's tweet. Using this "meme" as a reason to put the blame for why humans do this on one period of history (note: recent history, which we can dissect with much more clarity and nuance than ancient history) from one culture group is erroneous. I'm not saying neil is saying this, in a vacuum he is correct, but across the broader records of history, ancient and modern, we shouldn't take this tweet as exclusive to one culture or group of cultures.