

I'm terribly lost

— TarotNathers13th Report User
Can our resident Swedes confirm? 5 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
I know this is can be interpreted as a boilerplate meme response, but I don't think people give their twitter posts the time of day to assess if the grammar is correct. If I had to say anything, it's probably just that the poster thought of a funny joke and ran with it. I know I've fat fingered texts to friends and family before.
Kinda 2 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
My youngest sister never had my mom even raise her voice to her until one fateful day where she had accidentally clogged the toilet, and my mom found out she had done it. Keep in mind, my baby sister was an absolute hellion because she knew she had my mom in her corner, NO MATTER what was going on. I eventually could not be in the same room as her, because she figured out that if she screamed at the top of her lungs while she and I were the only ones in the room, she could get our mom to come running, screaming and shouting me out. I never won those arguments and got into a lot of trouble. After she had clogged the toilet my mom was shouting at her, holding her by the shoulders as she kneeled down to get into her face about what had she done. I had to exit the room because I was on the verge of laughing and knew I would die if she caught me cackling like the hyena I was. She really mellowed out after that after she realized mama bear would chew her out same as the rest of us.
I saw an elf shank another over a mistimed ear flick 2 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Which left out a lot of key details. What would be more accurate was "One elf made a terrible decision that seemed harmless enough and like anything in fantasy, spiralled out of control disastrously." and even that action doesn't bear even half of the responsibility of the tragedy that followed. Sure, it set everything in motion, but there were plenty of stopping points besides that first one. I guess I was offended in some notion that the story I had stitched together could be summed up in a cheap, throwaway meme. Then again, the argument could be made that whatever I wrote, if it could be summed up as "Okay, so the elves fucked up" wasn't all that interesting or good to being with.
TLDR, I disliked a "I hate elves haha" meme being used to describe the world history of a setting for a one shot campaign for a tabletop rpg. The circle is ironically closed upon itself.
I saw an elf shank another over a mistimed ear flick 2 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
I have the feeling the reason why there are so many people who hate elves is because in most fictions there are two kinds of elves: The first are assholes who are responsible for every problem in the world, for all sorts of reasons. The second are (or are widely perceived as such, a key distinction) physically, magically, and spiritually superior to a human. The latter spawn the former according to me since most people would in fact look at an elf and be amazed and in wonderment. And someone else looks up to something that is better than you in every way, and goes "Wow, what an asshole."
Yes, this is a tangent unbidden, but the only reason I bring it up is because while I like the meme, I have grown tired of the niche opinion that elves are all pricks. What kinda drove it home was when I was dressing the setting for a oneshot I trusted a friend of mine to explain some of the world history of the setting, and the first words out of his mouth were: "Okay, so the elves fucked up"
Not sad 3 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Can't wait for Beta Ray Bill to show up so someone can shout Horsepower in theaters.
Alfred chicken 1 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Sauron sang a bar so heartbreaking the guy he was song-dueling died of sadness on the spot.
Take your time 1 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Youtube: Yellowstone Won't Explode And End Civilisation (Sorry) The Deep Dive, by Soup Emporium.
Pride started as a riot and now everyone wants to join in. 2 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Bread and Circuses.
Maybe because North Korea doesn't have oil 5 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
More so the CIA picks targets that can't really fight back. How the USA is with Taiwan, China could be analogous with North Korea. Mess with one and you mess with the other inevitably. Plus, has the CIA really ever been a friend to the common people or altruistic in any fashion? The better way to look at them would the US version of the KGB. They serve "national" interests, and anything that gets in the way is a free target.
Brehs how do we make this happen 8 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
They're the people who make sure everyone pays their taxes. If you owe, you owe. Doesn;t matter if it's a million from a billionaire, or 2,000 from a low wage worker
Truest shit I've ever heard 3 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Did Zane die or
Whether you believe in God or not I think we can both agree with this 7 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
"Believing in X does not automatically make you a good person"
That's some next level irony right there 5 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
NATO classifies the Russian R-36 withe reporting name as the SS-18 "Satan". "NATO reporting names are code names for military equipment from Russia, China, and historically, the Eastern Bloc (Soviet Union and other nations of the Warsaw Pact). They provide unambiguous and easily understood English words in a uniform manner in place of the original designations, which either may have been unknown to the Western world at the time or easily confused codes.[1] For example, the Russian bomber jet Tupolev Tu-160 is simply called "Blackjack"." - Wikipedia, NATO reporting name.
TLDR: It's not actually called the Satan, NATO just uses an english name to identify Russian equipment where a direct translation would not be as clear or easily understood.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
They new about this back in the sixties 27 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Hitler said the same thing abouts regarding the Jewish Question.
Has a sling and doesn't use it 2 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
I wouldn't want my firearm bumping into my elbows while I try to read a book.
They new about this back in the sixties 27 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
I'm open to any idea aside from an easily corruptible and horrendous selection of execution to "save the planet". I want to save myself and the human race, but not by going back to a barbaric culture of human sacrifice on the altar.
They new about this back in the sixties 27 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Sure, we'd just need to erase only 3 buses worth of folks and then we'd need to erase another 3 buses, in, let's say 10-20ish years. And after that, 3 more buses of people in who knows how long it takes until we need to remove 90 or so people from the equation.
Can't really stop ya until after as long as you don't blab 2 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Only a psychopath finds no fault in this.
Still completely support and stand with Ukrainian people but y'all are hypocrites 14 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
That's one perception. The opposite side is mired in that they chose to immigrate to a country that has wildly different ideas about religion/religious observance and culture. Ukraine and Poland are next door neighbors. They don't have to cross several countries and borders to get to each other, and their cultural values and norms aren't likely to react volatilely when exposed to each other.
The Greek hero Bionicles 4 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Ah, you got a real belly laugh outta me with that title. Fucking classic man.
Libertarians be like 3 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Fun fact about the movie Anaconda: The head of the snake was redesigned to be more menacing since an actual anaconda head looked like a puppy dog according to people who worked on the film.
My view of caesar's bust 1 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
Pretty sure the receding hairline is more accurate if nothing else.
So tru brehs 2 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
"We have thoroughly investigated ourselves with no expense spared to the budget of this investigation, kindly paid for by the taxpayers concerned that we may be behaving inappropriately in matters both internal and external, and have found we are guilty of no such wrongdoing."
Who controls the spice controls the universe 21 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
I refuse to believe England conquered/colonised all that land and territory because they liked the taste of those spices. because they legitimately consider a raw, uncooked can of pork and beans on a slice of toast a sumptuous meal.
Completely normal 2 comments
tarotnathers13th · 2 years ago
There are some old revolvers who were fed from magazines in the grip. Interesting designs to look at, but never caught on. One example is the Landstad 1900. Never went into production (On account of it being submitted for a military trial and failing horribly), but the one existing prototype hung around in a British museum until it was sold in an auction.