

Forever tired, forever hungry.
Tasmiyah Report User
I admit that alcohol transforms me into one of those girls ^^ 4 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
Back in 2014, my class and I went to France on a history trip because we were studying world war 2 and we visited the Palace of Versailles. We were in hijab since we went to an Islamic girls school and we were all tired af because it was 2:00am. We were in Saint Pancreas train station in London (we had gotten off the Eurostar) and this drunk girl approached us, asking if we had seen her missing shoe. Then she belted out song lyrics and then started dancing in the middle of the train station like a maniac and then said 'I know karate, yanno" and then quickly stuck her leg out in a kick In
front of strangers. Then she took notice of what we're wearing and questioned if we were Muslims. Upon confirmation she proceeded to tell is us that her boss is Pakistani and had a crush on her and wanted to marry her so we'll be seeing her in a mosque with us soon. Then her friend found her and proceeded to drag her away. It was great xD
I love this 3 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
Did not expect that one xD
When you get sick of finding rattatas. 7 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
When you have siblings 4 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
My siblings are more like best friends.
We hang out all the time, go to the movies, etc. we were probably like that when they were younger (they are all in their twenties, I'm 17).
· Edited 8 years ago
I'm gonna be famous 2 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
I might be England but it looks like the uk
His plate always tastes better anyway 6 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
.... Fall out, boy 4 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
My only theory is that they are super beings.
Insert deg deg face or something 30 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
I grew up learning to respect others and use my manners. But I think it's the atmosphere I grew up in, the way my parents brought us up and the fact that I was put into religious classes that emphasizes manners and treatment of others at a young age (not saying that religion and religious classes are the only things that teach good manners and respect). Although I wasn't hit as a child, I'm not totally against it either. Just enough to teach a Lesson and anything more is straight up abuse.
:') awe 3 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
Can't live with them, can't live without them
Insert deg deg face or something 30 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
My parents never hit me or my siblings. Then again, we weren't problem children.
But when we did do stupid or annoying things we got 'the eyes'
This girl is so friggin' badass 10 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
Straight up savagery.
Instead one should try to help them learn the language 12 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
I get happy when non-native English speakers speak to me in English because it means they're trying.
One sacrifice pill, please... *stares at Allegiant with tears in her eyes* 56 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
I'm torn between the life pill, travel pill and love pill.
BEsT 1.99 Ive Ever Spent 21 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
This is literature
If you don't know this.. you're missing out : O 19 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
I remember watching this! I was like 11. Dang, I haven't seen this movie in seven years.
Remember this girl? 9 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
Sometimes, the world is a not so bad place
preach 7 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
You ARE evian
Bling 5 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
Two very different types of people in this comments section
Striving for this perfect relationship 21 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
The cute dishes argument reminds me of Nate and Elena from Uncharted (specifically the beginning of uncharted 4)
Truer words were never spoken! 2 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
Omg he does xD
Languages XD 13 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
Oui = we
Si = see
Ja = ya
I can't stop laughing 5 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
He's awesome xD
The dream 1 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
How I spend Summer Vacations
Public school at the end of the year be like 11 comments
tasy · 8 years ago
I used to go to a private high school and we did the same thing (some evil teachers like to get a head start on next year's assignments though)
I graduated now I go to a public sixth form and we're just finishing up writing up experiments and starting next year's work in brief.