

I love the USA, the great state of Texas and funsubstance
texasranger Report User
Not to fast 5 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
While a removing the regime would have its benefits. The Iranians wont be just terrorists hiding in mountains. They have soviet armor 3rd generation fighters cruise missiles and submarines. The losses we'll take in an invasion would be much higher.
Whats an election? 4 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Well someone interferes with russian elections and we all know who it is. And its not the US.
Very true 14 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Thats because the scientists and engineers are doing what they love.
Packing heat 3 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Is that swedens police?
Believe me, professor, I've been asking myself the exact same thing for the past six 9 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Not more than cali or florida with theor fires and crack heads. But i think we've had more than Alabama in the last few month's. But im just guessing
Believe me, professor, I've been asking myself the exact same thing for the past six 9 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Idk man Texas has been cropping up in the news alot lately
Always bleeting on about finding themselves a REAL man 16 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
You act like this is a bad thing
Pot kettle black, though 2 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Blue moons got a point
Preach 13 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Its also fueled our allready materialistic and narcissistic sub cultures.
*laughs nervously in CIA* 3 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
I think hes missing his tin foil hat
Mine is: Congratulations General you've been promoted! 21 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
That opening french horn solo line is so nostalgic to me. Its titled Awake by Jeremy Soule. He did the score to ES 3,4, and 5.
Mine is: Congratulations General you've been promoted! 21 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Oh youre finally awake... Walked right into that ambush same as us.
Its like we're up against razgriz itself out there
Well girls we did it, sexism is no more! 8 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
So its engineered for the woman to make more because they think women need help to make more than men? Yikes.
As a Texan this makes me sad 8 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Ill take it as a compliment
As a Texan this makes me sad 8 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Not the same
Imagine such a thing as that 4 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Whoa big brain time
Reality check 43 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
"It is the mark of an educated mind to entertain a thought without accepting it" -unknown
2 · Edited 5 years ago
Reality check 43 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Unfortunately alot of men also have those traits and are considered "strong men"
One ticket to 9th circle of hell please 65 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Right jesus says "im gonna do the thing"
And they all say "surly not oh lord you will not do the thing"
Jesus does the thing
And everybody is like "holy shit he did the thing"
One ticket to 9th circle of hell please 65 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
On the issue of women in the bible. I want to point out that the first person Jesus revealed himself to be the messiah too was a woman. A gentile too (non jewish person). AND she was an adultress too. Jesus came to her anyway. Take from that what you will. John 4: 4-26.
One ticket to 9th circle of hell please 65 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
While you're absolutely right about context I do want to point out that Paul never met Jesus. Well at least not the living Jesus. Paul was still Saul of Tasus when Jesus was alive.
I hate these kind of people so much 11 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
Oh the irony
Team disappointed 5 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
One thing I feel people fail to understand about thrones and GRR Martins work is that he loves ambiguity. He was a big fan of the softer more mysterious worlds and magics of Tolkein and Lovecraft. Martin is constantly dropping these sutle world building references to add a layer of ambient mystery. Look at asshai, and the lost city of yeen. The hightower, the wall. Valeria (valyria?) These are all things that hint at a much much larger more magical world but only comes in at a trickle. Not everything in Martins work serves as a plot device. Alot of it is just color. Now some of this didnt translate well from book to show especially as the show passed the books. The finale and show had its issues. I dont think this was one.
Come on people 57 comments
texasranger · 5 years ago
I take it those where all examples of the lies you were told. I find it really hard to find reliable information too man. I wont make you defend Trump. I would however encourage you going forward to look at as many sources as you can of different platforms be it a news media or some random joe. Compare what you get. Even make an effort to talk to someone whos views differ from yours with civility. Listen to them and they should do the same if not move on. The reason we have a partisan society now is because everyone is being told the other is lying to them and is out to get them. Public trust is the lowest it has ever been. Both sides do it. They prey on our fear and ignorance. We as citizens need to turn our attention to solving problems not winning the argument. And we can only do that by listening.