

— TheAtomicNourhan Report User
I wish my name was fruitsalad tbh 7 comments
theatomicnourhan · 7 years ago
It is.
Just like when you say "an hour"
H is not a vowel but is sounds like one
How to eat coleslaw 16 comments
theatomicnourhan · 7 years ago
Actually idk why you are being down voted cuz I like coleslaw too.
Education vs. Intelligence 16 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
I salute you
4 · Edited 8 years ago
So beautiful! 7 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
She's soooo CUTEE
Mini mouse tree dolls house 13 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
This is more precise and detailed than my own house
Colour balance 2 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
My fingers are twitching.
Gross 11 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
*cringes uncontrollably*
Like how is it even possible to break one? 48 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
It's not necessary tobreak a bone when going outside man
True 3 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
I have a multiple choice exam in a few hours.
Either way birds are the real enemy 12 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
Omg. Rape? Dolphins? Like what...
Either way birds are the real enemy 12 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
Are you serious?
Knife p*rn 30 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
I don't get it
It Just Couldn't Have Been Said Any Better 24 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
Im pretty sure thats not what he meant
please understand this about me 14 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
I feel you
*remembers awkward memory from a decade ago* *CRINGES* 4 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
Oh God, dont remind me.
T-cell killing a cancer cell 12 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
This is so coolll
Exiting a public bathroom 4 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
This is so relatable and true.
Perfect shirt for grammar lovers 4 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
I would never trust someone this much 15 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
I cant picture myself trusting someone like that.
Just invest 1 million guys 7 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
That's quite impressive 7 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
Am i the only one who thinks this is totally normal and does it all the time?
Some people should not go out to eat 56 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
She is allergic to Most stuff that are involved in making the food so its harder to cook.
we can always count on mom 13 comments
theatomicnourhan · 8 years ago
Idk if its sweet that the mom wants to help the daughter and all or just plain creepy that she casually suggest to hide the body