I'm a baseball player, and I'm 16. That's about it.— Tel Johnson Report User
20 years in a circus in peru, Free now 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Pumas only live 21-23 years, tops. Unfortunately, that animal doesn't have much to live in the wild.
Let's support local businesses 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah but how many people does that "big corporation" provide jobs for? And in turn, put food on their table. Two sides to every story.
I do nazi a (big) problem with these jokes 13 comments
· 9 years ago
I understand what you guys are saying about dealing with that kind of a situation with humor, I just really don't see that as the case here. (With the possible exception of novelus). I think most of the comments were just people being insistence to those who have actually been hurt by it.
I do nazi a (big) problem with these jokes 13 comments
· 9 years ago
This is horrible. Millions of people died at the hands of one of the most evil men in the history of the world, and you guys continually make jokes about it. I laugh at dark humor too, but these kind of jokes are really too much. I know I sound like your grandmother, but those of you who made the jokes should be ashamed. This is completely disgraceful.
I'm sure this will get doe voted to oblivion but I don't care, it need to be said.
I'm sure this will get doe voted to oblivion but I don't care, it need to be said.
When You Tell Vin Diesel he Is Beautiful 5 comments
Cutlery drawer 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I always assumed everyone used the order of: knife, big fork, little fork, big spoon, little spoon.
Life hack 10 comments
How we see each other 3 comments
· 11 years ago
Heh, that's funny because the rest of the world saw the USA win the Olympics last time they were held.
Abstinence is only 99.99% effective. 67 comments
How to dry your socks on the go 6 comments
Math is useful 10 comments
True Story. 4 comments
Friends, huh? 12 comments
I see what you did there, Oreo 5 comments
· 11 years ago
It's making fun of the iPhones.. If it were an iPhone, it would say via iPhone.. But instead it says via Oreo.
New trend at the office 1 comments
Pretty cool 51 comments
· 11 years ago
Those aren't Tarzans cloths. Tarzan wore a friggen rag lol.. Though they probably couldn't show Jane in that