Desperate University student.
How do I solve problems? I create new ones, so that I can forget about older ones.
That look of defeat, every parent knows it 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Some men just want to watch the world burn
It's Human Etiquette 101 7 comments
Nanny state 4 comments
Beauty and the beast ft. Doggo and daughter 10 comments
Cartoonized portrait pt.3 (grim) 36 comments
Ahh the agony 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Sinister is nice! How about The Exorcism of Emily Rose? I liked also Let Me In, Rosemary's Baby, The Shining, The Babadook, Psycho, The Orphanage, It... I love horror movies
The mafia 7 comments
How some people handle spiders 2 comments
Why can't you be like that 4 comments
Worlds richest man embraces android 12 comments
cute 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Always, you're right! Thank you so much, smitty. I love how there's always a hint of hope in what you say/write.
Canada is just the perfect place to live. 18 comments
Stress-free station 24 comments
I need this one in my life 3 comments
Me right now. 11 comments
· 7 years ago
That I am cursed!!! And that my late night snacks have nothing to do with my love handles.