

— TheKaylaPup Report User
Google it, it's true. You can't make this shit up lol 17 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I assume you mean practically while working within the given system-as opposed to if I were given absolute power to fix things all at once.
I think the biggest thing every day people should do is remember that there are two sides, and agruge against both extremes and injustices. No one should expect a man to pay for things for a woman. No one should expect anyon to be perfect. Every one should be allowed to express their emotions. No one should be paid in a way that is unequal to their peers. No one should be abused, or be abusive. No one should use their emotions as an excuse to behave inappropriately (ei. Being violent out of anger).
Whenever you see a woman being a feminazi, or otherwise expecting "equal rights for me", call her out on it. Whenever you see anyone be abusive or enforcing a double standard, call them out on it.
Social media life 15 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
The post actually implies that his liberal friends are anti-gun, as liberals are pro-choice and pro LGBT typically, and the liberal friends are clearly in disagreement with "me".
True shit right here 7 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
8. Make a list of priorities. Rank said list. Revise as needed.
9. This is the only one I didn't really understand. I have no advice, sorry.
10. Live your life. I feel like this is a cop-out response, but maybe it's also a cop-out addition to the above list.
Anyway, my list could obviously use expantion, but I didn't want to make it too long. I will do my best to clarify any questions anyone has.
True shit right here 7 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
10 Alternative Options to Watsing Time
1. Expose yourself to new knowledge. If you have a starting point, use it, if not, randomization of Wikipedia articles may not be a bad place to start
2. Find people who will be positive and supportive. Cut toxic people out of your life.
3. Look for solutions for your problems-ask for assistance if you need it.
4. Look for options that do the most good/least harm overall. Remember that it is okay to do what is best for yourself too (within the bounds of the law and your personal moral code)
5. Identify what you would like to improve in yourself and set reasonable goals towards improving. Measure yourself only against yourself/your progress
6. Examine what lead you to make a mistake and take actions to prevent making the mistake in the future.
7. Situationally- a. Just make a draft and improve it from there, the first go is going to have mistakes or b. Work towards an acceptable quality and fix only the mistakes that matter.
Huzzah! 4 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Some of it really does taste like meat. Some of it, not so much.
Google it, it's true. You can't make this shit up lol 17 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Can we maybe accept that there are unfair double standards for both genders and we would all benefit from equality and fairness?
Social media life 15 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Would You Press The Button? 12 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Then you never stop being gay?
But seriously, you try to work towards a relationship after.
Seriously? 13 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
In all seriousness, this is dangerous. Uber is the way many drunk people have taken to getting home, and this will not stop drinking, only increase drinking and driving.
If a taxi company tried to do this, the government would pull their taxi licenses. Don't get me wrong, the taxi industry is awful, but this is worse.
Keeps ya thinking 6 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
There was a girl named Karen at my middle school when I was in 8th grade. She was in 7th grade, and I didn't know her well. No idea what happened to her since.
The only one who benefits from salary secrecy is your boss 30 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Well I agree with the issues of people believing they are more valuable, open discussion of salary is actually a good way to promote workplace equality. Also, people sharing their salary information is a good way first step towards workers unions, which do make real positive impact on working conditions.
I don't think most people are as angry and jealous as this would make them appear. Sure, you might not be happy that your co-worker makes more than you do, but understanding that your coworker had been here for 3 years longer usually puts a lot of that to rest. And if there really is no reason your coworker should make more, than asking for a raise is not out of the question.
Somebody used it! 3 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Theoretically using something that fits snuggly with like a rubber seal would work, as long as it wasn't too snug.
Sauceyy 14 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
That does not make it the other person's fault. And playing the blame game is not going to help you move forward anyway.
The fact is, anytime a relationship goes badly two people were involved. And in most cases, both parties did things that were unkind and/or unfair. Should you blame yourself of your significant other cheats on you? No, absolutely not. Their actions, their fault. Should you take a look at what you did poorly and how you can be better in the future? Yes, absolutely.
Sauceyy 14 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
I agree that the person who did the cheating is 100% responsible for their own actions.
However infidelity =/= abuse. Cheating on someone may go hand and hand with abuse in some instances. And it is very possible that this is more common than I have reason to believe, I am not an expert on the subject, however saying that infidelity is abuse undermines abuse.
Let me be perfectly clear here: Victims of abuse should not stay with their abuser, nor should anyone tolerate abuse.
The fact is, people make bad decisions and people can change.
Moreover even if you find yourself saying "My significant other was unloyal to me sexually and am not willing to forgive this" Which, like, fair. Really fair. There still were reasons for the incident and in a vast majority of circumstances this is not a one sided ordeal. Is the cheater responsible for their actions, 100%. Did the other person make decisions that affected the circumstance in which this action was taken? Yeah, probably.
What did the 5 fingers say to the face? 10 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
They would fade. And the things you said very publicly would show up on you in public places, but the more private things would be in less public locations. Things you said repeatedly would be bold, while the words that were said only once would fade quickly
Sauceyy 14 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Cheating is not an okay thing to do, and no one should tolerate others cheating on them due to the belief they are not good enough not to be cheated on. And that is the heart of the agrugement being made here.
That being said, cheating is not something that happens for no reason, and examining the reasons for infidelity is a good idea whenever it happens. Sometimes working though an instance of cheating can lead to a better relationship with a person you already love. Sometimes it is best to end the relationship and move forward. Either way, knowing why the cheating took place is good for the sake of having healthy productive relationships in the future.
Often there is more than one factor as to why someone cheats, and it can be complicated to evaluate, especially objectively. But it is rarely purely one sided. Again, cheating is not okay and the person doing it should absolutely be held accountable for as much, but that doesn't make the other person innocent of wrongdoing.
Grimreaper dared me to, so blame him. 28 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Again, have to appreciate the use of filter here.
A different kind of buzz 1 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Sure, this is funny now, but how stupid will it look when your hairline recedes further and its no longer on your hairline?
That is become my life problem too 4 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
It's hard, but keeping a consistent sleep schedule, eating well, and getting exercise all be healthier, which has a positive impact on your mental health. And sleeping at night and getting up with the sun helps you sleep better and wake up easier. And getting better quality sleep is also good for you.
Again, it's hard. And sometimes exceptions have to be made. I work 2nd shift, so maintaining an early sleep and rise time isn't really feasible. And I can't change my hours right now, I can't even get away from working 1st shift sometimes, which makes my sleeping even harder to maintain. And maybe I should look for a job with better hours, but at this point I'm doing the best I can.
The point I'm making is, well all is good advice, don't get discouraged if you can't do all those things. Do what you can to make yourself healthier, and seek professional assistance if you're feeling depressed.
That question tho 5 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Often if something arrives broken Amazon will replace it if you file a report with them. If Amazon is not the seller and the seller does no replace it Amazon will give you back a credit worth the amount you paid.
Moral !! 2 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Except condoms are not 100% effective, even when worn correctly and no breakage occurs.
There are still some good people left in this crazy world 4 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
The simple answer here is don't use open wifi to bank or shop online.
Spotted painful nonchalant Trout 16 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Also, in America is is frowned upon to talk about what you make, and in many jobs it is against company policy. Which means finding out your male co worker makes more than you and bringing it to HR could get you fired. Many women can't fight the system in any meaningful way because working within the system, regardless of its discrimination, is how you pay the bills.
Spotted painful nonchalant Trout 16 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
Some of the pay gap is caused by that, but the problem is companies have found ways to legalize discrimination. They simply give evaluation based raises, and then evaluate men higher than women for the exact same work. And usually there is no means for legal recourse.
Also, men are statistically far more likely to get promotions when compared to women of the same qualifications. Part of this is actually that promotions tend go be handed out by bosses to people who have worked closely with them and men (who have the boss positions far more often) regularly feel uncomfortable working closely with women. Often out of fear of sexual harassment allegations.
It's a problem with no clear and easy solution, but it is not a problem that is caused primarily by women choosing worse paying jobs.
Well played 3 comments
thekaylapup · 4 years ago
The only couple I've ever know to use location sharing to see where each other is at used it for safety. He was more reclusive and she was very outgoing. He had her location so that if she were to not come home one night, he would know where to go looking for her.
I don't think that sharing locations is necessarily a bad thing, however I don't think that controlling someone else's choices is health either.
In a healthy relationship she should be able to say "I am not going to spend more time at the gym." And he should not try to force her.
I don't know who is worse from the information we have. On the one hand, I have seen people be dishonest with a boyfriend or girlfriend because it was unsafe to tell then the truth. And requiring her to share her location may be a symptom of that. However I have also seen people lie because they have a problem being honest with anyone. And if that's the case she really needs to seek some therapy as that is very unhealthy.