

TheOneAboveAll Report User
Hur durr, privilege 8 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
4chan doesn't try to hide it at all, and they don't deny it. Tumblr is the opposite
When Marvel announced Black Captain America and Female Thor 34 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
I don't count 616 because it was already permanently destroyed long ago and multiple times. Example: Thanos captures the HoTu destroys the multiverse and later rebuilds it, Beyonder erases the multi-verse from existence by thinking molecule-man brings it back, amatsu-mika destroys 98% of the mega verse while fighting against skyfather hercules then hercules restores it. There's more examples that shows that everything is already altered the 616 universe was indeed the original but so many times it has been destroyed that pretty much the characters have changed.
When Marvel announced Black Captain America and Female Thor 34 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
Honestly there is no original universe anymore. Because if Marvel showed the actual avengers then they loki would of been a worthless villain. Since Avengers have so many characters and not just that. If you actually put their real powers Rune King Thor would of erased loki, and ultron from existence and that's just Thor by himself. However despite that there's other universes that the characters are completely different. Ex The avengers are all zombies and get defeated by Galactus or the death of spiderman, Planet-buster Hulk, Spiderwoman, the existence of all-dimension Ironman. These are just part of the Avengers that's why I don't like the live-action ones because they're weak as fuck.
When Marvel announced Black Captain America and Female Thor 34 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
You know what? This gif is my reaction when I keep coming back to this gif to read the comments. There we go I win let's all go home and be the introverts like we are.
When Marvel announced Black Captain America and Female Thor 34 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
Like I said in my previous comment. Marvel has created different universes and dimensions for some marvel characters so yes that is possible.
When Marvel announced Black Captain America and Female Thor 34 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
You do realize Marvel has created hundreds of parallel universe for many characters right?
When Marvel announced Black Captain America and Female Thor 34 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
There's no point in complaining black C.A and female thor have been around for many years already
5 · Edited 10 years ago
We all have goals 18 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
The booty
Gracefully Blowing in the Wind 4 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
That's a lot of chips
Looks fun 15 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
The adventure of Tony Stark and his harem.
First day of college photo 4 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
Funny I have seen so many people who looked exactly like you and wore the exact same thing by the exact same officer and watched by the exact same pedestrians.
Muh freedoms 25 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
The fuck are you talking about it's vice versa. Someone insults america they don't like it or care, an american insults another country they don't like it or don't care.
Light falling from sky 29 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
False. Dovahkiin.
Light falling from sky 29 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!!
Rain or Bird Poop? 7 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
Or the dead ghost bugs that you killed pooped in that specific spot.
Muh freedoms 25 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
It's just people who hate on America yet they haven't even done anything to them so they judge what the probably can do or have done.
who will win? 940 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
I just made over 800 people comeback to this chain just to see this useless comment.
We all know this guy 2 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
*10 years later
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude remember when I got drunk 10 years ago?!!?!?!
Booby mannequin 14 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
They're really gorgeous trust me. I was born in Valencia, Venezuela "The Land of Beautiful Women" How lucky am I.
When I lie to my mom and she believes me 12 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
Sometimes you just have to lie...... sometimes you just have to lie
When I lie to my mom and she believes me 12 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
Why shouldn't I?
Read the sentence first and then watch the short video makes it more dramatic.
A bat walking on a treadmill 10 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
Swiggity Swoogity coming for that booty
One of these is not like the others 18 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
KillBill is freaking awesome.
Macaroni being made 13 comments
theoneaboveall · 10 years ago
Do you think women would use this to send to their boyfriends in case they wanted to cheat?