Got my tickets for tonight! Woohoo! 47 comments
· 9 years ago
Wow. I totally lost track of the date. Didn't realize we were there already. I'll have to go watch it this weekend.
Straight outta tumblr 13 comments
· 9 years ago
"No Jimmy. I don't love you. You're a disappointment."
Yeah, pretty sure that'll cause more problems than it'll solve.
Yeah, pretty sure that'll cause more problems than it'll solve.
Straight outta tumblr 13 comments
· 9 years ago
"Hmm... that kid probably should be made aware of the sharks in the water. Too bad I can't let him know."
Delete my number 15 comments
Im a pacifist! 9 comments
Orbital path of asteroid near miss in 2002 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I didn't say any of those things. Obviously if it hit, we would be in trouble. But guess what, genius - it didn't hit. It came nearby and went on it's merry way. It wasn't a threat, hence no one was worried when it happened. But thanks for being yet another unbearable guest.
Orbital path of asteroid near miss in 2002 20 comments
· 9 years ago
kurukuruguy - I think you're right. I see now that they moon was right there when it happened.
guest - yes, in an astronomical sense there are many many things that are insanely close. That doesn't mean they actually are close or in any way a danger to us.
guest - yes, in an astronomical sense there are many many things that are insanely close. That doesn't mean they actually are close or in any way a danger to us.
Now that man deserves Uncle of the Decade 17 comments
· 9 years ago
A few years later, that same man was attacked by a shark, but the shark broke all its teeth when it bit down on the dude's balls of steel.
God be with you 4 comments
· 9 years ago
I hate to think about how much the current generations are ruining the future of the english language.
Orbital path of asteroid near miss in 2002 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Couple of questions:
1. What is that object on the far left that pulled it toward us in the first place?
2. Why did it suddenly detach itself from our gravity at the end?
Also, while it looks extremely close, it should also be noted that every single known planet in our solar system can fit between the Earth and the Moon. So it looks a lot closer than it actually was.
1. What is that object on the far left that pulled it toward us in the first place?
2. Why did it suddenly detach itself from our gravity at the end?
Also, while it looks extremely close, it should also be noted that every single known planet in our solar system can fit between the Earth and the Moon. So it looks a lot closer than it actually was.
Testicles and breasticles 8 comments
Testicles and breasticles 8 comments
· 9 years ago
If they didn't throw in the stupid "let us leave 15 minutes early" then this would be believable. But the rest of us have all gone to school too. We know it doesn't work like that.
The great democrat debate drinking game 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, the Supreme Court doesn't have the right to make a law in the first place. They can't make things legal or illegal. They can only judge people according to the laws that exist.
Nope nope nope nope nope nope 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, I wouldn't stop the car and get out where the snake is. I'd be like, "Fuck" and drive off a cliff.
Such a jarring scene 9 comments
· 9 years ago
They pop if they haven't been opened. If they have been opened, the button will already be up and won't pop.
tru 16 comments
· 9 years ago
*sitting in the background, minding my own business, playing with cat and spider dna*