Good quip. I'm gonna start using it 53 comments
· 9 years ago
No. I'm just on my phone and it's not worth putting in time trying to argue with someone who is obviously so brainwashed into thinking your enemy is your savior. Bernie isn't even close to Libertarian. Only an idiot would think so. I am a Libertarian. Ron Paul is a Libertarian. Rand Paul is close to being a Libertarian. Just look up their opinions of Sanders. I'm done talking to you. You represent everything I hate about this country. Just be ready for a civil war if you elect that moron. Because that's what you'll get.
Good quip. I'm gonna start using it 53 comments
· 9 years ago
Forced the political spectrum to the right??? Are you fucking insane? The problem with this country is that both sides are so far left that they're sacrificing all our freedoms for their perfect big government.
And a tax payer funded health care system is a terrible terrible idea. It's forcing more of a bad system on people who don't want it. You're sacrificing my freedom because you think you know what's best for everyone. The last thing I want is more money taken out of my paycheck for something I don't want being forced upon me. Not to mention the fact that the reason healthcare costs are so high to begin with is because the government got involved and drove prices up. More government is always a bad thing and fucking morons like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. I hope you just drop fucking dead.
And a tax payer funded health care system is a terrible terrible idea. It's forcing more of a bad system on people who don't want it. You're sacrificing my freedom because you think you know what's best for everyone. The last thing I want is more money taken out of my paycheck for something I don't want being forced upon me. Not to mention the fact that the reason healthcare costs are so high to begin with is because the government got involved and drove prices up. More government is always a bad thing and fucking morons like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. I hope you just drop fucking dead.
Good quip. I'm gonna start using it 53 comments
· 9 years ago
You don't understand economics or the root cause of any of the problems in this country if you honest to god believe him.
Good quip. I'm gonna start using it 53 comments
· 9 years ago
He said, and I quote, [Denmark is] “a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish.”
That is the exact opposite of what Sanders wants. Sanders doesn't want a mix of capitalism and socialism. He wants to punish the people who work hard, increase taxes, regulate business, make it impossible to get rich, force his ideas of what's good on others, and run this country into even deeper debt than it already is. The man will fucking destroy freedom here. The best thing he could do for this country is have a heart attack and drop dead.
That is the exact opposite of what Sanders wants. Sanders doesn't want a mix of capitalism and socialism. He wants to punish the people who work hard, increase taxes, regulate business, make it impossible to get rich, force his ideas of what's good on others, and run this country into even deeper debt than it already is. The man will fucking destroy freedom here. The best thing he could do for this country is have a heart attack and drop dead.
Good quip. I'm gonna start using it 53 comments
· 9 years ago
Oh I'm sorry, you clearly haven't done your research and learned that Denmark, the happiest country in the world, ISN'T even an example of what Bernie Sanders wants. Bernie is saying that it is because he knows people like you are too stupid to actually go research it yourself, and you'll just believe him. But Denmark actually has more Capitalism than America does right now. It's ranked as more economically free, AND the Denmark Prime Minister came out and straight up told Bernie Sanders to stop calling them socialist because they're not. Socialism failed in Denmark years ago and they moved away from it. Same with Sweden. Same with every other country that Bernie tries to use to defend his arguments. Don't be an idiot and just believe him at his word. Do some actual research.
Good quip. I'm gonna start using it 53 comments
· 9 years ago
Only idiot Bernie supporters actually think there's a real difference between the two. Socialism is socialism is socialism. The end goal is to give more power to the government and take freedom and property away from the individual. I'm not going to say he's a nazi, but his policies are extremely authoritarian and evil.
murica 19 comments
· 9 years ago
The government can only give you what it took from someone else by force. An increase in taxes for things I don't want, further restriction on my ability to start my own business due to extreme taxation, laws restricting the market - these are all stripping Americans of freedom. If you are an entrepreneur in this country and Bernie Sanders gets elected, you are screwed and you won't have the freedom to do what you please with your own property and possessions. He wants the government to become ten times bigger than it already is, and that will only cost people their freedom. More government = less freedom.
murica 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes, putting blame in all the wrong places. And the iceberg isn't a metaphor for global warming. They're on the titanic and the comic is saying that only Bernie sanders sees the real problems. Not just with global warming, but with every problem the US faces. That's just not true. He's economically illiterate, his foreign policy is a disaster, and he wants to strip Americans of freedom.
Bill Nye the no chill guy 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I have a friend who went swing dancing and Bill Nye was there and she ended up dancing with Bill Nye.
murica 19 comments
· 9 years ago
Bernie wouldn't be warning about an iceberg. He'd be the captain steering the boat directly toward the iceberg.
Poor teacher 9 comments
Old man 7 comments
How long did it take you? 65 comments
· 9 years ago
oh my god, there's a third answer. I'm feeling stupider and stupider for taking almost a minute to see a solution.
5 + 4 = 9
0 + 4 = 4
8 - 4 = 4
Any others?
5 + 4 = 9
0 + 4 = 4
8 - 4 = 4
Any others?
How long did it take you? 65 comments
How long did it take you? 65 comments
Well what do we have here... Oh the irony 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't think he's terribly deformed. I think it's just ironic that the character destroyed toys for fun and now he's a toy.
When you realized that they are the same person because of days of future past 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Why because of days of future past? Aren't they the same character because they're the same character? Just the original one was messed up significantly.
They need to feel the bern 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Too bad "feeling the bern" won't do anything to the 1% and the rest of the middle and lower classes would be the ones getting screwed.
Tbh 34 comments
· 9 years ago
If you have a minimum wage job, you could very well lose it if Bernie raises the minimum wage. A $15 minimum wage doesn't increase pay for people, it makes it harder for them to find work because if a company doesn't think they're valuable enough, they won't pay them $15 an hour to do the work.
As far as which would be worse... I dunno. All 3 are very authoritarian.
Trump is an egotistical maniac who is pretty much just a Democrat anyway if you look at what he wants. He wants nothing but more big government with himself in charge.
Hillary is corrupt through and through. She would be awful, and of the three of them, she would probably be most efficient at getting what she wants, which is terrifying.
Bernie would wreck the economy so bad and cost us so much freedom that I almost think he is the worst of the three. Also his voting record contradicts what he says he believes, so I don't trust him to be as stand-up as people think. I think he's just another lying politician.
As far as which would be worse... I dunno. All 3 are very authoritarian.
Trump is an egotistical maniac who is pretty much just a Democrat anyway if you look at what he wants. He wants nothing but more big government with himself in charge.
Hillary is corrupt through and through. She would be awful, and of the three of them, she would probably be most efficient at getting what she wants, which is terrifying.
Bernie would wreck the economy so bad and cost us so much freedom that I almost think he is the worst of the three. Also his voting record contradicts what he says he believes, so I don't trust him to be as stand-up as people think. I think he's just another lying politician.
Da fuq did I just read? 9 comments
· 9 years ago
I had a friend when I was like 10 or so. I'm actually still friends with him today despite this story. One day we were hanging out outside, playing some game, not sure what. He started complaining about his stomach hurting. Next thing I know, he goes "I have to let the gas out!" He drops to his knees, bends over, puts his head on the ground and sticks his butt as high up in the air as possible. I look at him and say "What are you doing?" He says, "My stomach hurts. I have to let the gas out, and gas goes up, so I have to put my butt up as high in the air as I can." I start looking around nervously in case anyone is watching. He holds that position for five to ten minutes, then finally rolls onto his side and moans loudly, "It's not wooooorkiiiing!!!"
Yeah... on second thought, I'm gonna have to call him up and let him know our friendship is over. That was 17 years ago, but still...
Edited 9 years ago
Yeah... on second thought, I'm gonna have to call him up and let him know our friendship is over. That was 17 years ago, but still...
Unfollowing this thread now.