George Michael's Unfailing Internal Clock 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Man, that was a great show. Such a shame.
· 7 years ago
Yes. Because the democrats are not what the republicans used to be and vice versa. But then again people don't know basic history. Go figure.
This is why we can't have nice things 11 comments
· 7 years ago
And still a spectacular failure. At least with regards to the city of brotherly love.
Army humor 5 comments
You mean betray me? 2 comments
Deism 37 comments
Hurricane Karma incoming 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Wow. Also, isn't Florida the state that is least interested in helping fix climate change? Sure seems like karma to me. Though generally, sadly. There are plenty of good people in both.
Why Apple?! 13 comments
How to become a millionarie 3 comments
· 7 years ago
If I ever got any, I'd just fuck with em. Like if I got some of religious guys I'd say something like "oh yeah, I've heard of that, but it only got like one star, right? I heard the plot sucked and was full of continuity errors" and act like I thought they were trying to sell me a bad movie. For, say, a guy trying to sell me new carpets, I'd ask highly detailed questions about them being bloodproof and resistant to bleach with numerous furtive glances back into the house.
So thoughtful 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Except blood has absolutely nothing to do with love other than feuling your brain.
Edited 7 years ago
Ladies and gentlemen, Kathy Burke 3 comments
· 7 years ago
I saw something about the advantages vs disadvantages of assumptions made because of physical appearance. Good looking people are assumed to be better, more capable, etc... but also feel more pressure from the higher expectations. Quite interesting.
Damn son 16 comments
Here's a good idea 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah. And it's not like it's unusual to have a string of some of the largest on record at the same time as record heats getting set all over the country.
awww i still wont go out with a moth though 8 comments
I need to return my husband, he's defect. 38 comments