

Who even KNOWS what goes here, tbh. No one's even gonna look at it. pronouns? She/they. Vibing? God I wish.

— TimeBender25 Report User
Aaand now I have the pokémon theme song stuck in my head. GG.
Who's up for some Redneck live action D&D?
Sorry for the Harry Potter spam guys. All the good posts only revealed themselves today.
As a Hufflepuff, I can confirm. School merely tests my patience.
They probably wanted pineapples, but got this instead.
McGonagall getting him back by enchanting his quill to write backwards.
A message to all the crazy fangirls out there.
Don't be scared Misha. L'il old Mark is there to save you.
I can't wait til you see the Atari 2600.