

Toclafane Report User
Which one? Comment below 73 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
I spend around $40-$60 on gas each month, already did most of the traveling that I want to, and don't have a dog. Groceries are the obvious choice. Free 1br apartment in your current city for life would be a nice option.
Let people wear what they want 16 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
No. You could either try to spend more time around people who don't ask stupid questions, or, failing that, ignore those questions and/or people.
I like this story 14 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Yeah, I get shit like this from time to time. I have veteran, student, and hospital employee IDs. Discounts typically are offered because 1) the discountee performs a job or service that benefits the society as a whole, yet is extraordinarily under-compensated 2) the discountee likely does not have a sufficient income or has an extreme drain on funds, e.g. college student, to adequately support basic living requirements, such as obtaining food. In case 2, the premise is that they will get a higher paying job upon graduation and help support the economy and maybe achieve something worthwhile to society.
Arnold S. 3 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Look up RC time constant intervals.
Let people wear what they want 16 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Really though, why is makeup deemed necessary at all for typical people? For Halloween, special effects, burn victims, etc, sure. But if people don't like the way you look without caking your face in stuff that can damage your skin, then you need to be around other people. If you don't like the way you look without it, you probably need therapy.
Seems legit 9 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
I'm with mightyoak, what the hell are they even talking about?
What would you put in it? 80 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
How about we admit that our government system was designed well and worked great for a while, but we have since corrupted it beyond reasonable expectation of repair. It is time to cut our losses, abandon the current system, and start with a new one that we design well and will hopefully work for a number of years until our descendants corrupt it, too.
Even on my smart TV 1 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Piecewise function.
Wow, watermelons really changed over the centuries 15 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
If you cut open a watermelon that is not completely ripe, it still looks like that.
And guys say girls aren't tough 17 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
If nothing else in that mess tips you off, the repeated usage of "so basically" is generally not a sign that reliable education has been completed.
Murica' 11 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Don't. It is an awful substance.
This block of cheese has a very, very crude map of the world on it 12 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Wait... you eat Colby-Jack cheese without shooting guns?
Murica' 11 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Because impoliteness is unique to Americans.
14 year old genius too busy to be president 40 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Having a high IQ really does not mean you are intelligent, despite it being an intelligence test. I know plenty of people with high IQs that have the problem solving and higher-level comprehension capabilities comparable to below-average IQ scorers. It certainly does not mean you are qualified to be president. Mainly it is just bragging rights. Also, there is no way of knowing how his selective breeding proposition would have altered his IQ, or even if he would have been born at all.
Life Hacks 101 16 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Ah. I really wish school had exposed me to better literature, instead of overrated, nauseatingly pedantic trash like most of Shakespeare's work.
Seems like a common problem 24 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
This is a result of giving awards for participation, lack of intellectual competition in the formative years, No Child Left Behind, coercion of teachers to simply pass students regardless of scholastic performance or behavioral issues, etc.
Life Hacks 101 16 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Why are you reading that brain excrement anyways?
Imagine the looks you'd get 21 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
It probably isn't, but appearances are everything. You will get the attention of the police, who probably will not believe you. They will still try to give you a ticket for public intoxication, they will search you, it will be a hassle. You will probably get some kind of fine, even assuming you can prove it is water. You may go to court. Bottom line: not worth it.
What would you put in it? 80 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Once you do a bit of time traveling, it changes your perspective on how badly the universe can get messed up by being inconsiderate of seemingly minor things.
What would you put in it? 80 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
It does not really specify a rate of replication into becoming an infinite amount. If it was instantaneous, then the entire universe would immediately end. The critical mass of the universe would recollapse it back into a singularity; the big crunch.
What would you put in it? 80 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Or if you break it, it will no longer function and you just have a broken bowl.
What would you put in it? 80 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
@harmonywho, too bad there is not really a perfect vacuum. Vacuum energy fluctuations caused by virtual particle pair creation would ensure that some particle would eventually be inside. Also, what about things that go through practically everything, like neutrinos? How do we keep out dark matter and dark energy (whatever they turn out to be, I am pretty sure an infinite amount of them in one place would create some kind of exotic black hole like a kugelblitz or something)
Just be who you want to be 2 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Hell, you might even love the person you hide.
What would you put in it? 80 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Only until your taste buds change.
disappointed 12 comments
toclafane · 9 years ago
Why did it even start to begin with?