Rubiks for Asians 11 comments
· 10 years ago
welcome in ukraine
Rubiks for Asians 11 comments
Rubiks for Asians 11 comments
· 10 years ago
since it have numbers on it you will easyer notice which part isnt on right place
Brief history of the world 20 comments
Ma'am, your gas cap door is open 23 comments
· 10 years ago
and i repeat again every car has crumpling zone which means car supposed to be demaged pretty much after that hit
Ma'am, your gas cap door is open 23 comments
· 10 years ago
you are wrong to broke out a wall requies speed which means from that hightness the wall pieces would could fall 5-10 m away from building or so
Ma'am, your gas cap door is open 23 comments
· 10 years ago
yes if a car hanging outside from wall and owners of other cars under it you think they would just let their car there and people on pict dotn even paying attention on that also the cars downside aint even demaged by the wall piece what shoudl ahve been fall down . (sorry for my bad english)
i think this explains lot things 4 comments
Tis your inner Shakespeare 13 comments
makeup does lot 49 comments
· 11 years ago
drinking , drugging and car driving, lucky he didnt killed anybody, daily hundreds dieing cos bastards like he, how you guys can feel sorry for him.... srsly
Honestly... :/ 27 comments
makeup does lot 49 comments
makeup does lot 49 comments
· 11 years ago
thats what happens with most people who is famous, thinking everything they do is fine etc. morons......
Best Fails of the Year 8 comments
"Periods are probably not even that bad" 36 comments
· 11 years ago
yh but period you know when you having and can reduce pain by pills but with kicking balls is not happening every month yes but its always coming unwaited, you never know when a spinning kick will aim your balls
O_O 6 comments
Coins art 19 comments
"Periods are probably not even that bad" 36 comments