

Find how we are similar
Forget how we are different
That's how we get along

— Tony007 Report User
Les Stewart spent 15 years (1983-1998) typing out numbers from one to one million in 19 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred
What the actual f**k 8 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
How come I've never heard of this? Am I the dumb one or are they the dumb ones? How does this even work?
4 · Edited 5 years ago
Goodluck! 2 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
Just hope they don't run into anything this time, or at least have enough life boats
How many nunchucks could a nun chuck if a nun could chuck nunchucks? 3 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
As many nunchucks a nun could chuck if a nun could chuck nunchucks
Me irl 8 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
I've seen much more stupid ones, this means nothing to me
Why I am like dis? 3 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
How do you know what I'm like?
Oh, my sweet summer child 2 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
PvZ is now over 10 years old, I'm honestly surprised
Self destruction: 100 7 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
The person I hate the most is already a billionaire and the president of a country, I don't think it matters for him
Gotta be honest 2 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
You need to be specific, the right answer is obviously Pornhub
Fu*king posers 10 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
Trump, Hitler, Kim.
I wish
Happy birthday tony 14 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
Thank you
Me literally everynight 3 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
I had a dream in which I was a detective working on a case, I woke up just before finding out who the culprit is
Truth to be told... Red Forman was the man 4 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
Everything makes so much sense now!
Can confirm this 13 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
It has to do with the clothes itself, some are not so good at keeping their colours in tact.
100% attendance record 4 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
If I see that, I would just ask a guy friend to kiss with me in front of him, just to piss him off
Banana 7 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
Considering that Banana is a tropical fruit, it makes sense
When mom and dad team up 3 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
I don't see the problem, it's not that hard of a weapon to fight back
Accurate 3 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
More like:
A) A
B) a
C) Aa
Sincerely , me ! 4 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
Thank you :)
Assemble 4 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
Really? When I was in school, girls did win more than boys.
I like Dr. Pepper 10 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
Diamond Pearl?
Meanwhile 20 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
Guess I'm the girl then
What's yours 4 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
All Pokémon games, and some Mario games, I don't have anything else
A humpy DaD 12 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
Oh that would be my dad
Can't I just watch a video uninterrupted 7 comments
tony007 · 5 years ago
I thought of the exact same thing!