

Trashmanrevenge Report User
My farewell 37 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
im leaving for real for real so i wont be making an im back meme like i have in the past so dont be looking for that.
Buildings in Ohio 34 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
Yeah leave tomorrow at 12:30
Buildings in Ohio 34 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
Ah excellent hype for my last day
Brothers in Arms 10 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
You mean they boutta catch these hands if you catching hands you getting beat up
Do I make the rules? No. 1 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
His song with lil wayne recently though not lyrical is still something i can lift to
Belligerent red Ibis 2 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
He got himself a girl now
Maybe that's why strange was stalling Thanos, so Tony could smack him good 10 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
Dude idc if Russians are cliche villains this dude was mad cool especially his accent
The santa bernnnn 6 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
Nah im good not a fan of socialism
Hmmmm 9 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
I thought it was a combination and different animals
Unbelievable 4 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
Some poor Chinese child is gonna disappear
Michael Bay needs to finish this work 5 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
The man sacrificed himself for that skateboard
Maybe Mexico will pay for kids' education instead 20 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
I mean if you choose to get a degree and then choose to take a loan in order to pay for that its your fault
How tall are you guys ? 5 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
Only the best people are
Anon sells Girl Scout cookies 7 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
I dont f with the dark web man feels cheated gonna come pop me for selling thin mints for 200 dollars
Shame on you. Shame on your family 11 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
Thats exactly what i thought it could easily be the owner trying to cover himself up.
Bizarre bewildered prickly Fly 3 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
Its the guy from one piece on drum island
The special snowflake syndrome is strong with this one 26 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
If your girl walks over to the army men that is fine but dont try to battle traditional ideas by forcing them out of the girl section and make them pick a boys toy to battle the system.
The special snowflake syndrome is strong with this one 26 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
I think no parent should push their kids into anything. I think that people panic too much with their children. I feel sometimes parents are too eager to show their own progressive ideas that they force their kids to live them or get scared when a girl does want to be more traditional in the sense of playing with dolls and various other things. In my opinion though throwing your child in a spotlight is never good for them allow them to grow and figure themselves out. The simpler your child hood the better. Allow them to battle complex ideas and find themselves when they actually understand everything that is going on.
The special snowflake syndrome is strong with this one 26 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
I never said you had to fir a gender role or that you had to let your gender define you im simply saying that for the most part complicating a kids gender is by no means freeing them up or liberating them. Most kids do what they want regardless of gender but isolating them from other kids by saying they are not like the others is not good for them mentally in fact putting any complex issue on a kid is in my opinion is just stupid and unfair to the kid. When the kid grows up let them decide how they feel on everything. As a kid being able to identify with your peers is crucial and trust me this isnt helpinf
Defense 7 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
Like idk i feel like they would need us to do nothing for a really long time in order to reach this unstoppable war machine we see in movies. Like we would have to be like oh ill deal with this next week or something in order to reach the level of indestructibility we see in movies like terminator
The special snowflake syndrome is strong with this one 26 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
Thats kinda dumb fitting in as a kid is hard enough but now its gonna be 2 times as hard cause you dont even have the option of just siding with boys or girls. She is probably gonna get bullied and mad confused is my prediction
Daily Dose of Prehistory: Back From Extinction 35 15 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
So im actually just curious how come with evolution at least for us we only have the very basic version and the complex final version us? Like i dont understand wouldnt we have like more middle groups and why did the first evolution stick around over the more evolved ones
*excited breathing* 2 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
I feel like if elon musk does start a colony its just gonna be a space bio shock up there
Wizards 17 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
Tupac wasnt really as fast though someone like kaan would flip pancakes all day
Let's debate 15 comments
trashmanrevenge · 6 years ago
I mean sometimes i want more cereal after my initial bowl and thats when i pour cereal on top of milk