Every cats mission on christmas 2 comments
· 8 years ago
this is jackass and im gonna wreck this tree
Nikola tesla was awesome 11 comments
Rise and act before it's too late 48 comments
· 8 years ago
Now the continuing issues with solar energy stems from the problem that they are not efficient enough to generate the same power we get from a power plant. So therefore in order for america to generate the same power as a nuclear power plant it would cost more to maintain. In a society like this it would never catch on because the cheaper the more happy the people are. Also unlike other countries our power plants dont blow up due to the american engineering and sweat that goes into them.
Edited 8 years ago
Rise and act before it's too late 48 comments
Rise and act before it's too late 48 comments
Nikola tesla was awesome 11 comments
· 8 years ago
He did care that he did not get credit which caused him to go insane. They also were not sure about his "death ray" seeing as no one really had witness to it but him.
Selective service 75 comments
· 8 years ago
Yet again I feel bad for you situation and you have my empathy but yet again this has no relevance to conversation we are having. The U.S. is not serbia and if it fought another country would not fight like a civil war.
Marketing executives this time of year 4 comments
He can hurt you 46 comments
· 8 years ago
everyone is having issues and i dont think assumptions and slacking is going to solve it
Selective service 75 comments
· 8 years ago
your story is sad and all but i fail to see how it relates to politics in two different countries. The US and China in all out war would not even be close to what your war is. You act as if you have war and the politics of war figured out but you dont.
Selective service 75 comments
· 8 years ago
A war with china would be different than when we fought in a civil war.
Edited 8 years ago
Selective service 75 comments
· 8 years ago
i dont think you understand how it works these days do you. In a country like china it would not be large numbers of soldiers fighting on a battlefield. Im pretty sure it would be more of a navy and air force fight due to the positioning of the country.
He can hurt you 46 comments
· 8 years ago
ok im done you literally did exactly what i said you were doing up there and you are literally just assuming and bringing no information at all. It really is just a joke to reply to a well thought out paragraph with sources with the phrase They can handle it
He can hurt you 46 comments
· 8 years ago
ok well im sorry but i cant argue with someone who just keeps saying I think they will be able to handle it. I have brought statistics I have shown high level officials being worried about their own country and every time i do you simply wave it off and say they can handle it. For the last time they cannot handle it and they should not have to handle it.
Selective service 75 comments
· 8 years ago
You obviously dont understand how the draft in America works. The last draft we had was in vietnam and what happens is your name is put in a lottery and if it is drawn then you are drafted. You go through the SAME training and then are put on the frontlines. Sorry to say but unless we were losing so badly that within a couple weeks we were gonna be gone i doubt they would throw us on the front lines
He can hurt you 46 comments
· 8 years ago
yeah except for 600 years people havent been flooding into the country in droves of thousands. It wont end the country but it sure as heck will add to its economic turmoil and end its economic soundness.
Selective service 75 comments
He can hurt you 46 comments
· 8 years ago
yeah they are sweden has been contemplating secession from the eu because of border issues I am saying every country is having issues when the entire population is fleeing into your country with no interest in sharing your culture or values.