User trustnothinmolder Banned
Accurate 15 comments
· 8 years ago
His"act" was cocaine fueled. And also who the Fuck likes that alien with brain ripping sounds. Nanu Nanu.... Mork from Bork. The lowest of low . Someone out there wrote scenario for that shiiiiiit. Id throw a nuclear bomb to the set of Mork and Mindy
Edited 8 years ago
Heinrich potter and the prisioner of Aushwitz? Maybe? Try better 24 comments
· 8 years ago
Of course... it's illegal to name it Govno (shit). But you could've name it Shit in 60s when that english loan wasn't used here, now everybody knows what it means. Or for example Scott (which is contemporary slang for son of a bitch), in 60s okay, now not. We have Adolfs.
Beauty is for your own benefit 18 comments
· 8 years ago
I actualy don't care if my wife forgets to shave (legs... or nipples, or vajeyjey, or armpits) but religious (like Sikh women, or feminist statements.... burn them with Flammenwerfer!
This scene 20 comments
· 8 years ago
That wasn't my point, I also didn't know when Watching a movie how's it gonna end, but he kept a zombie girl, like, 2m from there, and he didn't think- Should I try testing on her (Sam, the dog) now? He did test it on fucking rats. He'd leave his wife or kid. I thought of all that. He didn't. So, I laughed at this idiotic scene. @that_creepy_guy
We need more billionaires like him 34 comments
· 8 years ago
And 1% of it is 780,000,000$. That's a budget of my country! Fuchead (Buffet, not you, you're empty head snowglobe) .Why didn't he give it in the 90s. We had more poverty then. Cocks.
We need more billionaires like him 34 comments
· 8 years ago
Id shut you, fuck my bae, and up ...yours . Truth and facts hurt you more than kryptonium
Edited 8 years ago
Born at the right time 11 comments
· 8 years ago
I meant Russia-Turkey, Sweden-Hungary, Serbia-South Serbia, Macedonia-Kosovo Bosnia vs Herzegovina and Cyprus-Turkey and Arabs-Nazis
Edited 8 years ago
Art is getting better 4 comments
· 8 years ago
There's some movie composer Nitsche or something. Philosopher Nietzsche also tried to be composer,but it's awful
With some spiders and Hugh Jackman 23 comments
· 8 years ago
Australia IS England, bitcheees. As long as they sing God shave the queen and she commands the parliament and is on the mo-ney....
Accurate 15 comments
Accurate 15 comments
Even a rock feels relatable 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Depression is sickness. Drink medications. Or alcohol. Or do sex. Or make friends. Or do friends.
Born at the right time 11 comments
We need more billionaires like him 34 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh would you stop it already with these living corpses. They're so"generous" They're gonna give away their money 2 months before their 103rd birthday. Fuckers. And no one says They're giving their family's fortune. Kirk Douglas' family is still billionaire, he gave away only his money, two weeks from now he's gonna die. It's not like he's peniless like you're depicting him, sons actors and producers and grandchildren fashionistas and "public personnas'' are gonna buy him bread and yoghurt. Sucha scrotum of a man. PeniSless scum.
Art is getting better 4 comments
· 8 years ago
This is Nietzsche... I never know if I spell it ok in your language
This scene 20 comments
· 8 years ago
But he keeps infected boss of the zombies' hoe strapped right there in the same basement,and he couldn't cage his only friend who was given to him by his duying 9yo kid And the next morning he found the cure. And cured the strapped bimbo. Next morning! Now that's the whole story, @chilledtothebone. Idiotic movie, like all the end of the world movies.
Heinrich potter and the prisioner of Aushwitz? Maybe? Try better 24 comments
· 8 years ago
And it's a girl's name . We also have she-Tractor, Stiffy, Moustache ... Saggy, Cloud, Flame, Oedipus, Bitey, while Pidgeon and Scroungy face are more less common plus all the fruit names, you can never beat Slavic name customs
Edited 8 years ago
My mind just blew itself 38 comments
it will be hilarious when this chick finds out 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Polite way of saying Get your dirty paws of my wife, I would rip Off your dick. And why is cleaning lady boss's wife. Why doesn't he give her better place?
Make a slide down the stairs 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Mother's face says it all"It's not worth it, you little wackoes, you have tobogan in the park
Anti-vaccination movements need to stop now 16 comments
· 8 years ago
It's Romania. Remember Chaushesku. AIDS didn't stop them. Literaly.
These are gold 9 comments
· 8 years ago
:/ It's all fun and games, until you realize there are hundreds of millions of women out there who really get this.