deep throat smoking man


You morons hang vacancy sign on your asses and my foot looks for a room - Red Forman, American patriot

— deep throat smoking man Report User
Which other countries celebrate Fat Thursday? 20 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
De nada. You'll thank me later. In 5-7 years ;)
Which other countries celebrate Fat Thursday? 20 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
Well it's a stupid joke. From the last century.
The real plan 76 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago this is pic from anti gay protests, Belgrade Serbia... .. What does it have to do with McDonalds burned to the ground in those riots? Who knows?! Maybe you know? Serbian reasoning : "evil = Amurica = McDonalds = western decadence = LGBT" Where could they get that idea? Well, first three in the equation right here from you Hmmmmm.... Next week they'll burn American flag.... Next week they'll ram into statue of liberty with Boeing,yes Serbs also have driven car bombs and planes into "decadent American people".... Just because some bitchin' kid doesn't want extra mayo cheeseburger and posts anti McD anti west posts. If you don't want it, just don't go to it.
· Edited 7 years ago
Cup for when you can't decide 72 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
And you can put it on railings. Perfect.
Bring back ancient languages!! 33 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
People who, on the said post, said "I'm worst than them" earn my respect. People, arrogant people that say J. Sebastian Back(even though they wrote their doctorate about him) AND Tabula Ruh-SAh(and claim they are fluent) AND laugh at "flied lice" on the other hand earn my disrespect, at least. I dismiss students for that. And believe it or not they love me. They're not snowflakes. I don't stop them telling me even "Fuck you, you're wrong" when I'm wrong (btw it's not allowed here, students still stay in "atten-hut" when other professors enter)
· Edited 7 years ago
Bring back ancient languages!! 33 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
French people don't laugh at Spaniards. Cause they speak almost perfect French, not because they're similar, Serbs also speak perfect French, it's because we grew up with Muslims who "swallow when they need to swallow"(the silent H, that is). They laugh to Serb-Americans that go to their country and pronounce their writer Viktor Hyugou(Hugo). It's not a nation thing. It's not a speech impediment. Speech impediment is when you can't get U from Hugo right, like, never. Nobody hates you for that. But being able to say Shah (Reza Pahlavi)but keep saying J. Sebastian Back is not physical impediment, it's "I don't give a fcuk, I'll say it the way I want it" is you not respecting them, so they fire back. The whole world is calling him Bah, you don't care. And you who act so high above others and plus have physical inability mock people who just have inability.
Bring back ancient languages!! 33 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
My insults weren't addressed to the whole nations, even though I do think the entire nations of yours can not speak Latin, or as a matter of fact French, it's not a big deal. I could learn English for decades, my "th" will never be as perfect as yours, it's not about learning, it's about f*cking physical inability, that's what you laugh at, and that my "friend" is racist!
Bring back ancient languages!! 33 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
Why are you so angry. I stated a fact. You don't speak Latin well. I sometimes substitute a Latin professor in my high school, cause i learned it on my Philosophy college. I as a substitute teacher tell my kids they suck ass in Latin pronunciation. I'm saying this as a professional. And you attacked me various times basically calling me "a spigot". Various times. But I don't get mad. I respond "I don't care, English is my 4th language". But I'm fed up with you when you "don't clean up in your backyard first before criticizing your neighbors' " You sound ridiculous "speaking" Latin. And you brag with that, while criticizing others.
· Edited 7 years ago
Bring back ancient languages!! 33 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
@diyrogue, you fruitcake, you asked questions. And I was taught good manners, to answer. My god, you should really go test yourself, for adhd or something. These are pretty simple sentences. You could fall from Mars and understand them. The point is you suck at foreign languages. Everybody in the world knows it, they don't laugh at you, they're not so full of themselves like you, but they think you're incapable of learning languages, sort of speech impediment. You can't say Buon giorno and stop at "O"in the end, you must anglicize it to giornoU. You sound like... Well... Like "flied lice". Who are you to laugh at people. You, with year of learning Latin transliterated it WRONG. It's tah -boo -lAh rah -Zah. You... don't... speak... Latin... good.
Bring back ancient languages!! 33 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
That's why I brought up Serbian (my native) . We have for example English word we took through French, or German (we "learned" foreign languages through German people, as in loan words) , for example, idk I can't remember any example, let's say jacket, we call it like French (zhaket), but we don't write words in their original form, we don't write even (as Japanese don't) original names- Jackson, they write it JakUson, sooo we write žaket. So if you spelled it žakit or DŽaket or žacket cause you don't understand use of the French "j" and why is it different from English "j" and what's the difference between surnames žuljić and džulič and julic, nobody will laugh at you if you misspell renowned Radič as Radić
Bring back ancient languages!! 33 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
It's from a different post. Racist "flied lice" post, people laughing at Japanese students ,from Japan who misspelled something on the surprise spelling test. I explained to racist that Japanese students(from Japan) go about, every day, for the whole day, for the past 15 years seeing, for example "da-ri-fu-to" (the loan word, they don't have 16th century word for drift) word spelled exactly like that, in Latin script, da-ri-fu-to, cause they can't pronounce d without a that accompanies it, it's physically impossible,written exactly like that on the buses, markets, buildings... And they heard drift on a spelling test and wrote it dArift, OMG unforgivable mistake.
Russian pregnancy 7 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
What?! I knew it. It's more logical to call them babushkas (grandmas) cause there's ma, grandma, great grandma, great great grandma...
Russian pregnancy 7 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
In need of a reminder 9 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
It's called Manwich in Futurama
Bring back ancient languages!! 33 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
Then transliterate me how do you pronounce blank slate Tabula rasa. I'm not trying to offend you, just trying to make my point you all learn it wrong and most of you would spell it wrong if you took Serbian language classes and I surprise you with a test. And you laugh to others.
· Edited 7 years ago
Bring back ancient languages!! 33 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
And you don't know Latin @sincere_milkshake Teybyula reyza
Bring back ancient languages!! 33 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
I've learned both. Greek is also root of many English words. And it's easy peasy.
Bring back ancient languages!! 33 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
It wasn't always like that. We learned Voltaire in French class.
We have Gordon Ramsay on our side 6 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
When they put too much mayo extra bacon, extra cheese - you complain, when this - you also complain............... I'm really not gonna write what I ate in cafeteria
In need of a reminder 9 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
Guy: "I'll remind you what it means to be a woman the only way a man can" her great nephew :"By repairing her TV?" his friend :*Slaps the dumbass* Feminists :"What did he mean by "reminding her only way man can"?" *double penisectomy*
· Edited 7 years ago
In need of a reminder 9 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
10 · Edited 7 years ago
Stop playing (with) yourself 5 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
From now on just celebrate you're not twig insect.
Con got conned 4 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
I hope they don't meet at a con Con(vention)
Pokemon GO new update 6 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
Is this a March 2017. meme
Frank, you idiot 3 comments
trustnthngmrmulder · 7 years ago
I saw this just now. I posted stick insects post just above you(on fs all page). It must be their day or something.