

— Tusabes Report User
Get wholesome. Stay wholesome. 6 comments
tusabes · 38 weeks ago
Once you've had that epiphany you're ready to work through it. But you'll find it useful with your own kids. And way fun with your nephew/nieces
Grumpy doesn't even begin 1 comments
tusabes · 39 weeks ago
Worse, they value the votes of religious bigots over our rights. Very few politicians are truly men of faith.
Mk ultra, operation northwoods, operation condor, operation paperclip 1 comments
tusabes · 40 weeks ago
It's almost always released because they've just done something else and aren't sure who knows about it.
Across the pond 4 comments
tusabes · 46 weeks ago
Used to work horses 10 miles from my house. Drove home before I noticed 20 flies on the inside roof of my truck. Those dumb f**** had all the horse manure they could eat, but now they have to fight over scraps from the Mexican restaurant dumpster next to my house.
***in right 2 comments
tusabes · 49 weeks ago
Yes, I do.They should sell yard signs with that printed on them.
nft 2 comments
tusabes · 1 year ago
Put holes in her condoms. Then sit back and wait until you can bully your half brother til he cries himself to sleep.
Just call me John Wick 2 comments
tusabes · 1 year ago
Yes I do. And youre a criminal scumbag that gives me an opportunity to express that .
Don't be this guy 5 comments
tusabes · 1 year ago
These AH walk around every where with earpods. They should bring them to the beach too.
Faith 101 … 5 comments
tusabes · 1 year ago
They fail to realize that were not cowering in caves , scared of the thunder and lightning anymore.
Mealmen 1 comments
tusabes · 1 year ago
Pony express took 4 days from Missouri to California. USPS takes 4 days from Arizona to California.
Not an extinguisher 1 comments
tusabes · 1 year ago
I've never drank Pepto in the shower, but I wouldn't say no....
Hail Satan is my safeword 3 comments
tusabes · 1 year ago
It's funny because it probably could make a better album.
Do good recklessly 21 comments
tusabes · 1 year ago
In this case getting scammed doesn't make you a fool, it makes the scammer look scummy.
Wholesome 4 comments
tusabes · 1 year ago
And he didn't cut his arm off
Anyone know? 6 comments
tusabes · 1 year ago
Also used to hurl stones, and dogs.
True if big 1 comments
tusabes · 1 year ago
Thats a rat.
Doing the Lord's work 1 comments
tusabes · 2 years ago
Using a proper English accent
The mind cow 6 comments
tusabes · 2 years ago
1st rule of Mind Cow: no one udders a word about Mind Cow
Brought to you by the witch of envy 9 comments
tusabes · 3 years ago
Greed would want at least two months!
Typical tuesday 1 comments
tusabes · 3 years ago
She meant to use a comma, instead of a foreward slash.
Do you provide a pillow? 5 comments
tusabes · 3 years ago
MF! I hope these arent the MF Hawaiian Orgasm mushrooms! Ill never get her to leave!
Do you provide a pillow? 5 comments
tusabes · 3 years ago
MF! I hope these arent the MF Hawaiian Orgasm mushrooms! Ill never get her to leave!
Using a hotknife to cut away excess tape on shoes 21 comments
tusabes · 3 years ago
That 7 year old has big hands
It was pretty windy yesterday in Iowa 3 comments
tusabes · 3 years ago
Its obvious that it was hit by that frisbee
You gotta think out of box, my boy 10 comments
tusabes · 3 years ago
Funny! But that last O should be drawn with a black marker.