

I am 17. Or at least that's what I was 5 years ago, hello again FunSubstance!
Almost 23, yikes.
Name's Nate
ImagiNathan Report User

Happiest day of his life

Happiest day of his life

Okay, but it's relatable

Okay, but it's relatable

Where are you on the scale right now?

Where are you on the scale right now?

First post in five years, be amused!

First post in five years, be amused!

Sorry if it's a repost

Sorry if it's a repost

The funniest thing

The funniest thing

Being older, looking back, this show was so hilarious..

Being older, looking back, this show was so hilarious..

Attitude differences

Attitude differences

It's true! Hidden

Not safe for work

When the man upstairs hears you

When the man upstairs hears you