30 simple life lessons 23 comments
· 9 years ago
That post is awesome. 5But you shloud carry a water bottle everywhere not just in the car)
words of wisdom 17 comments
Every time... 6 comments
b*sty girl problems 24 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah but I have no boobs so if it falls in my cleavage it goes through all my shirt and eventually fall
Why is it still so popular? It's incredibly expensive and makes you smell bad 38 comments
· 9 years ago
Yup. A lot of people smoke here, I thought it was a normal thing but I discovered that other countries don't smoke as much as we do
Half makeup 10 comments
Why is it still so popular? It's incredibly expensive and makes you smell bad 38 comments
· 9 years ago
I really like to smoke but not evryday, only at parties, or sometimes with friends. But I pay attention attention to not get addicted because that would suck
I want to be part of it 7 comments
· 9 years ago
(I know that on the left it's the mystery machine but what's on the right?)
this is why I am failing 4 comments
Plastic surgery fail 11 comments
My favorite tumblr post 10 comments