

— Typow777 Report User
Not mi e 13 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Is that a thing? Small kids biting strangers??
Kirov reporting 2 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Yuri's revenge
Nobody knows everything, even the one who knows Cosmology 22 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Try it with a 4x4 turbo diesel
Nobody knows everything, even the one who knows Cosmology 22 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Cyber truck still can't hold a load of landscapers, mulch/stones and the equipment to move the materials
Wind blows, fire burns, rain falls 7 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
7th element
Enjoy your Pasta! 11 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
It's all fat
Rush b? 2 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Counter strike?
Britain vs American building codes 11 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Row homes have fire walls between the units
It doesn't matter who you vote for: Do NOT tip your waitress like this 10 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Epitome of He Who Must Not Be Named
If you know this, you had an awesome childhood 5 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
No walls around your main building. I see you too like to live dangerously. Straight to the feels this is
There is nothing more relaxing than running in such an atmospheric place 11 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
A boat in the darkness away from any land, the sky is bright from the milky way and moon. That's my relaxing. No thank you to running, except away from my problems ...
Also jazz music 4 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
These all go back to our DNA. Big, Heavy and Dirty things men have been expected to contribute picking up and put them down. More so if he owns a Truck. The other items are being a gentleman. Helping women ( who want it ) do hard, dangerous, dirty tasks. I've never seen a lady change her own tire, not even change her own oil ... that's not their purpose in life. That's for making babies, birthing them, feeding them and holding them on their larger hips. Now you know
Messroom 38 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
A lamp for some loops, brother? 4 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Moths back
Samurai darth vader 3 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
1970 - Nissan 370z - beautiful
Living that single life 4 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Needs a plant . These homies make a room homey
I’ve thought about this for a while now 9 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Subtitles are nice because other people in the room won't shut the hell up
It gives us the lamp 4 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Haven't seen the moth meme in a while
It hurts itself in confusion 7 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Is this a thing? Puberty blockers ??
Real man understands 3 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
I don't understand
It hurts itself in confusion 7 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
It's in your DNA
Any els a god old n64 gamers? 6 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Perfect dark
Finally proven 5 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
They are full of air to keep from crushing the chips
İ wouldn't know why women put up with this 3 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
It's DNA
Aww this is real love <3 6 comments
typow777 · 4 years ago
Cheap ring