

I'm a Dominican who spends most of her time on Funsubstance! :p
& um, well I'm a fun person to hang out with and I like going to the movies! (\^.^/)
Umaad Report User
Remember when this was the biggest problem you encountered all day? 5 comments
umaad · 10 years ago
Happened to me about a week ago
umaad · 10 years ago
Just because you are a little angry that you didn't look at the tittle, which clearly said spoilers in BIG LETTERS, It does not mean she made anything up.
Frozen Screenshots 10 comments
umaad · 10 years ago
No problem!
Frozen Screenshots 10 comments
umaad · 10 years ago
Watch it there for free ^^^
The other way around 49 comments
umaad · 10 years ago
Guys should be able to cook, too. I think it's sexy lol
Lol wh*re 14 comments
umaad · 10 years ago
Exactly. The tittle. I understand that girls or boys in our generation do get easily obsessed, but that has nothing to do with being a whore. I'm not butthurt, I'm just stating my opinion, not because I'm hurt but because it's what I personally believe.
Lol wh*re 14 comments
umaad · 10 years ago
That tittle is a bit rude. Just because they like Justin Bieber or whoever is doesn't make them a whore. I'm not a fan of Justin and understand that believers are crazy but it doesn't make them whores. You don't know the person to be able to label them as a whore.
Dematographia 11 comments
umaad · 10 years ago
I have this! I don't like it because everytime I scratch myself I get them and it sucks
I'm not sure if it makes sense 8 comments
umaad · 10 years ago
One of my favorite little sayings
Headphones 17 comments
umaad · 10 years ago
I don't have swag, or use that word. I'm a girl so like I don't sag, but I still use these. They are.of amazing quality and wearing them does not make you a douchebag. I'm not a douchbag lol But like I said they are of great quality and if I wan't to go out and listen to music, I will. If I want to go for a run and listen to whatever, I will. With my headphones WITHOUT being a douche.
Captioned a tv show, yes 18 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
Jade has always been my favorite! & She has a beautiful voice!"
From this?! WTF Disney? 52 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
Is it me or does she look like Victoria from Twilight?
Antarctica's epic battle 11 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
I just saw Twilight yesterday.. and I loved it. (Bring on the downvotes)
· Edited 11 years ago
My face when my chemistry teacher says I got a 10 in the exam. 11 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
I'm not sure but I believe this way of grading is in Mexico. I've seen shows thats originate in Mexico and this is how they would say their grades. Example: "I got a 5 on the test. My mom's gonna kill me." So, they just use single numbers rather than two digits. (Again. I'm not sure. So correct me if I'm wrong)
· Edited 11 years ago
The story of natalie 32 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
It's perfectly fine on my phone..
Right In The Feels 31 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
As soon as I got to up my eyes started sweating. I've never been able to finish the entire movie I just cry too much. )':
Well she is being truthful 54 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
They weren't Miley CYRUS concerst, they were Miley Stewart's concerts. The real Miley was never really shown and now she's doing it for herself.
Well she is being truthful 54 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
@Puddlepeople this person loves you too!! & @ewqua like the guest above me said, Rihanna. Britney Spears. I don't know but I'm pretty sure ite alot. AND why should we judge pornstars? They like what they do, they enjoy it, they get paid and MOST OF US do enjoy their job. ( I mean most people watch porn) It's not inappropriate if its any other star. IF Nicki Minaj does it, its hot. & If it shouldn't be broadcasted write a cute little letter to tv producers.
Well she is being truthful 54 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
@Puggle yes, she did go to concerts. It was part of the job. Being both MILEY AND HANNAH.It was the best of BOTH worlds. So, she went on as either. Still a character, still a role she splayed, sti got payer for and wether we like or not. that wasn't Miley..
Well she is being truthful 54 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
^^^ :']
Well she is being truthful 54 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
It's not "softcore porn." Just because she dresses some way and acts some way it doesn't mean anything. Why don't we judge all the other celebrities that do the same or worst? Naah, let's just stick to judging Miley.
· Edited 11 years ago
Well she is being truthful 54 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
Well she is being truthful 54 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
It was a character she played to get money. Isn't that what actors do?
Well she is being truthful 54 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
There is no reason to downvote anyone because of their personal preferences. I honestly like Miley. I have liked her since Hannah Montana and i have just accepted the fact that she is a grown up woman. Respect that. It's her life, her choices. I am probably going to get like a thousand downvotes (if that's possible ) But liking someone or something is a personal preference, no need to disrespect anyone because of it.
5 · Edited 11 years ago
This is not the gorilla you are seeking 4 comments
umaad · 11 years ago
It's illegal to buy them illegaly. Ex: Animals that have been brought from another country illegally.