

Hello world! Nice to meet you.

— under_fire Report User
Meme I made at 4 am 4 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
where can i get a 3 inch sub? The lady at the last one I went to gave me a dirty look
Henlo frens 4 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
Henry the dog and Baloo the cat
@henrythecoloradodog on insta
I get paid a lot, so that why I stay in my job 5 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
"reaching for the stars" is kind of a loose term. most people won't even get close to the stars, so having a stable source of income and a reputation as a hard worker (especially one that comes with free time to pursue other interests) sounds like heaven. sure, you might get laid off, but like the post said, people think you work hard, and you have IT training in an increasingly electronic world, which is more job security than most people are living on right now. I'm not saying it's bad to follow your dreams, in fact that has lead to many of mankind's greatest discoveries and inventions. I'm just saying that since a person fresh out of university is riddled with debt, a job like this is a dream.
it's the little actions we take 10 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
That can't be true, or we would have stopped using it a long time ago. The entire point is positive energy collection.
I get paid a lot, so that why I stay in my job 5 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
dream job??
Anon's mommy/gf 9 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
man, enjoy what you got.
Elegant af! 8 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
Me, collapsing on my bedroom floor
Great title right here 3 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
Limericks are good mediums for roasts
apples 14 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
If you know someone who eats more than like, 2 apples a day, get them help.
apples 14 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
I do this. It saves me the trouble of throwing away the core later, plus the extra fiber is good for your digestive system. The more you know.
Waste your time 2k19 6 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
bitch, you underestimate my power. I didn't get ANYTHING done last year, and I don't plan to this year.
16 · Edited 5 years ago
Swearing words from Britain are such a beautiful language 9 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
incompressible jizztrumpet. leave it to the scots to come up with an insult that is as confusing as it is devastating.
10 · Edited 5 years ago
Haha not the comment I was expecting to see 15 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
Haha not the comment I was expecting to see 15 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
I have no issues with it, but I'd give him a dirty look. The same dirty look you would give someone who wears supreme, or airpods in public
Uh huh 7 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
eye strain from looking at screens? existentialism?
Centaurette cosplay 22 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
the furries have gone too far
Mother Nature is watching? 8 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
That's the lake where they destroyed the pendant horcrux
Please like and share this, so hyped for kh3 1 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
I'm hyped for TLT's new songs.
I aint no weed. Source IG @sciencefunn 3 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
No, but to our primal ancestors, daytime was the only way you could get things done. it improved visibility, provided warmth, and kept us away from the baddies in the night. Furthermore, sunlight has many beneficial properties to humans. (vit D, mental health, and have you heard of the circadian rhythm?) so get yourself out of bed and get something done, wiseass.
bear 5 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
this reads like a rick and morty episode
Old is gold 1 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
No one is gonna stop you from getting robbed. Download a movie though, you're fucked. You played yourself.
idk wat to put here =p 14 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
Unpopular opinion: I never understood why people got so angry about dress codes. In the cases where a dress code is required because it actually affects other people, it's pretty obvious. Also, is it that hard to dress appropriately? It should be common sense that you don't wear a sweater with the twin towers on them. Teachers should also chill out. A hat ain't gonna kill you, it ain't gonna kill anyone, and it certainly is counter-productive to chew out a student for the hat.
tl;dr, dress codes are stupid, teachers should be less bitchy, and students should dress better.
Any Brooklyn 99 fans out there? 8 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
I'm a Hitchcock. I hate it, but accept it.
4 · Edited 5 years ago
How tho? Guess im gonna be immature forever hahahuhu 6 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
- random picture of young johnny depp with an obvious watermark cropping
Fixed it 7 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago