

Hello world! Nice to meet you.

— under_fire Report User
You did it 5 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
unrelated star trek?
Driving forklift can be hard 3 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
If one forklift caused a collapse that bad, the shelves were overloaded.
You're all noobs 2 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
and ironically, the guy with the normal hair is the mc for his series
and I oop- 3 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
i want what the green one's having
Wellcome to Kansas city 7 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
i was looking for a snappy comeback but that takes the cake
Fingernails 7 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
look, if you're stupid enough to not stop after the first nail, you deserve debbie.
Stop the child abuse, that too advanced for her 2 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
Uhhh... Yeah! Carboxylic Acid!
A goddamn legend walks among us 2 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
they spilled the secret, nice going
F**king furries 8 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
playing as a cat doesnt make you a furry. furries are anthropomorphic.
Glass is glass. Glass will break 4 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
Oh shit, functional and indestructible. Weird that the focus shifted away from those phones
From the 2019 Halloween Collection #8 1 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
This might make a fun short story. Remember the cowboy shakespeare rendition? "something wicked this way rides"
It's an important day 6 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
It's the 7th? am i missing something?
Old but gold 2 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
why doesn't it just stand up all the way? Maybe the front ground hands should be feet as well
Glass is glass. Glass will break 4 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
No shit? Be careful with your phones people, they're meant to be functional, not indestructible.
An interesting religion 9 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
Puns are better in hind-sight
You've probably never heard of Diana 8 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
On the list of harmful and toxic one-upping behaviors between women and men, I'd say this one ranks pretty low. might want to start complaining on more important and productive things (and i might as well.)
The irritating gentleman 8 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
You're right, a lot of artists are very precise, but I still think the last comment had unwarranted aggression in it. Plus, nypost,com/2013/05/15/43-8-million-for-this/
The spelling of this sub has been wrong all along. 6 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
I've heard it's spelling stems from when people used "ho!" as a way of greeting or exclamation
The irritating gentleman 8 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
that last comment irks me. without the title, how can we assume he's hitting on her? for all we know, he could be offering his condolences, or is possibly a close friend. a lot of "art" is open for interpretation, so for this person to say that they support artists because they convey a strict message is shallow and counterproductive.
Okay now the ping sound is stuck in my head 10 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
honest question, why do people like the ping so much?
Titles describe your post 4 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
whoa, where can one vance youtube?
Titles describe your post 4 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
what's youtube vanced
A strain of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa that became resistant to all man-made 16 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
You're right, global temperature isn't increasing exponentially, that's my mistake. But CO2 levels are almost double their highest recorded points in the past. Climate change due to humans is far from just "hysteria." Besides that, my point was that condemning actual, real problems to the "what else is new" pile is how actual, real catastrophes occur. Ignoring or excusing the problem won't make it go away.
A strain of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa that became resistant to all man-made 16 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
The average global temperature has been increasing exponentially since the industrial revolution. What else is new? Things still fall down instead of up?
It's a problem no matter how old it is. Trying to trivialize it with sarcasm isn't helping.
Robots 1 comments
under_fire · 5 years ago
this sounds like an extroverted roommate