

I'm not even cool on the internet.

— yea.... Report User
Stay safe lads 9 comments
unicornhunter · 5 years ago
I'm really glad they labeled the music notes.
A house all alone 3 comments
unicornhunter · 5 years ago
And the best flood insurance ever.
Rather be safe than sorry 4 comments
unicornhunter · 5 years ago
Does he not know about tilting your head back?
Get out of traffic kit 7 comments
unicornhunter · 5 years ago
Nobody's going to let you in.
Diver frees Whale shark from commercial fishing rope 8 comments
unicornhunter · 5 years ago
Bet that feels better than taking your ponytail down and bra off after a long day.
Baby holding a kitten 5 comments
unicornhunter · 6 years ago
Just got to teach them to " be soft". Took my kid until she was about 4 before she said " petting" instead of " be soft wif em".
When you're too drunk to use your cell phone 2 comments
unicornhunter · 6 years ago
Don't have to be drunk. I have tried scrolling a book.
Delivery guy 5 comments
unicornhunter · 6 years ago
Everyone commenting on looks but what about his great sense of humor? I won't objectify you, UPS man. I would listen to you. I would listen to you so hard.
This plastic bag looks exactly like a cat 5 comments
unicornhunter · 6 years ago
You ever not read the title first....
Talking to a autist 3 comments
unicornhunter · 6 years ago
Drunk spelling
WAiT a sEc...! 9 comments
unicornhunter · 6 years ago
Yes please
Sweet sadness 4 comments
unicornhunter · 6 years ago
" I want to know what love is.... I want you to show meeee"
Cutie pie 8 comments
unicornhunter · 6 years ago
Hair pie, if ya know what I mean.
Space Force 6 comments
unicornhunter · 6 years ago
Oooh! I like it!
Space Force 6 comments
unicornhunter · 6 years ago
Yoda is a good guy though. Q is kind of a wild card. He does some good but only if it benefits him. Maybe Lando? I don't know.
Do you recycle? 2 comments
unicornhunter · 6 years ago
Only memes.
Love at first sight can be dangerous x 14 comments
unicornhunter · 8 years ago
All the ladies are dressed up so nice.
Not to whine, but honestly *cough* someone has been ruining it. 95 comments
unicornhunter · 8 years ago
I was 5 months pregnant with my daughter when I found FS. She is 2 1/2 now. It is very possible to be around 4.
Still crying from this 3 comments
unicornhunter · 9 years ago
Of laughter
Anti-vaccination 25 comments
unicornhunter · 9 years ago
I thought it said vacation at first. Pfffft.
Lethal Doses 14 comments
unicornhunter · 9 years ago
A liter bottle contains about 17 shots. I have done a whole bottle of tequila. Couldn't do it now but in my 20's.....better believe it.
Dog protecting kitten 3 comments
unicornhunter · 9 years ago
I tried to post a Pluto picture and FS informed me the image had been posted. Does it last for only a day? Maybe if one gets the notification... Decide not to repost?
Let's be honest 61 comments
unicornhunter · 9 years ago
Holy crap. Pfffthahahaha. Is guest a troll? Is that the proper nomenclature? "Holocaust theories "?! Too funny
· Edited 9 years ago
Nothings more uplifting than seeing these couragous souls take a stand against bullies 5 comments
unicornhunter · 9 years ago
The day of graduation I hugged him and he said " why are you hugging me, you don't even like me". I said something like "nonsense, you're my favorite person to argue with ".
Nothings more uplifting than seeing these couragous souls take a stand against bullies 5 comments
unicornhunter · 9 years ago
I used to bully a kid in high school. He usually ate lunch alone so I would sit with him and make fun of his political views. He would call me a communist.... I would call him a capitalist war monger and " mr. America boy". We still talk every now n then.