

unicycle Report User
Well, it's a start 6 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Everyone reading this please keep in mind that you should always have a bed frame. You can get it cheap or used or whatever. You sweat when you sleep and having an elevated mattress stops mold from growing inside and underneath the mattress, which (in addition to protecting your health) extends its life and saves you money in the long run.
In Finland, PhD's are awarded a sword as a symbol to defend what is right and true 7 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Academics do need to find ways to be more accessible to the general public. But there's a difference between explaining something complex in a roundabout way and saying nothing.
That sounds very cool 3 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
This idea has been around since the 80s and sounds great at first but is actually problematic for a multitude of reasons. Sign languages utilise not only hand gestures but also body positions and facial expressions that gloves wouldn't track. Not to mention the vast differences between the many many different sign languages. The gloves can generally only translate manual spelling, which is a arduous process and only a tiny fraction of everyday conversation. Fundamentally, the concept puts the burden on Deaf people to accommodate the hearing world when it should be the other way around.
This is pretty well what we have been saying this whole time 28 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Some might not pay income taxes (fault of the government), but what about sales taxes, excise taxes, and other fees? Do you really think that immigrants don't purchase food and gasoline, or pay for electricity, water, tolls, and cellphone bills?
This is pretty well what we have been saying this whole time 28 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Hmm… it's almost as if allowing a bunch of able-bodied people to work, live, and pay taxes in the area WOULD help the homeless.
You can never forget a face 13 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Really interesting question! Basically, a specific region of the brain lights up when looking at human faces and we think that this area holds a "face map" that plots every face you've seen based on characteristics. Our eyes tend to linger on things we haven't seen before, so even if someone doesn't consciously recognise a face, their eye movements can indicate that they're familiar with that face. Lots of cutting edge face research is just coming out using fMRI and eye movement tracking.
every time 3 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
The best part of being a parent is saying yes to the ridiculous requests just often enough so that the kiddos look at you in awe and wonder.
This is Tigger. Tigger has no eyes. Tigger doesn't care, he's still a happy boy 4 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
My dog Björn has no eyes and it never slows him down! (unless we move the furniture lol)
Forgive me oh lord 6 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Right, well the one in the tweet isn't a parody. And I never said they weren't atheists, but that they weren't "just atheists in disguise." Because belonging to the Church of Satan is obviously distinct from straight atheism. Sorry if that was too nuanced.
Forgive me oh lord 6 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
The Church of Satan follows the Satanic Bible, and doesn't believe in a literal Satan but rather Satanic ideals of enlightenment and opposition to an Abrahamic God. It's not a parody, and its members aren't just atheists in disguise - it's a legit religion that's been around since the 1960s.
Cloud blep 4 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Samoyed! Very floofy, very stubborn, 12/10.
Lies, I tell you, lies! 18 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
If the vagina is tight, you're not doing it right.
whoops a daisies 3 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
So "top" and "bottom" are used in LGBTQ circles to characterise not who is on top/bottom spatially, but more of a personality of active/passive, giving/receiving, or dominant/submissive. It's usually more about each person's energy rather than any physical action they may be doing. These meanings originated in gay culture and are usually confined there, though they can be applied to all kinds of sex.
Indeed 6 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
There's already enough reputation and "publish or perish" bullshit in academia, we don't need the added pressure from the largely ignorant public.
We've known since 1912 8 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago 8
Wholesome community moment 22 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Discrimination? It's just a bookstore that focuses on books with LGBT themes and authors. That's like saying a sushi restaurant discriminates against pizza.
Wholesome community moment 22 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
The person on the phone realised they may be gay and probably freaked out about the changes and hardships this may put on their life (work, family, friends, religion, etc.) They probably weren't thinking clearly, and thought that hurting/killing themselves would be easier than dealing with it all.
She left for da D 22 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Ariel's treasure trove was full of human objects because THAT'S what she wanted more than anything. She'd been obsessing about humans for years before she ever encountered Eric; she loves him because he's the epitome of what it would mean to be human, the icing on the cake. When her dad invades her space and wrecks her shit, she's (justifiably) angry and makes a rash decision, as teenagers are wont to do. She leaves a kingdom of expectations and rules for one with more freedom and exploration - Eric barely factors into the equation.
Benefits of dogs 2 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
This always makes my day. My dog has hair chalk (pet safe) on his tail to keep from getting lost in the snow and people's reactions are always: "Cute pup- BLUE?!?!!!"
Underestated 3 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
My sister is Deaf and growing up we all came up with signs for swear words so we could argue without getting in trouble. Parents would see the sign for "rainbow" which really meant "go fuck yourself."
Appreciate the people in your life 6 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Actually I think feminism wants to destroy the idea that men don't need emotional support and that all men have to think that little gestures of affection are stupid or girly.
I have done this 4 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
Everybody has a different life path, and many of the previous generations were pressured in marriage at a young age. Also, maybe you really love that chicken tender.
Well duh 49 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
So congrats on writing (and making me read) a 2,218 word response. I honestly don't know how to reply since it was less of a coherent argument and more of a loose bundle of facts, anecdotes, unrelated assertions, and deeper philosophy. I agree with a lot that you said, and also disagree with a lot. All I can say is that it's clear we don't agree on the nature of human behavior or the best way to help minimum wage workers.
Well duh 49 comments
unicycle · 5 years ago
I have research assistants who work under me. They aren't required to have any qualifications and they don't make much money. If I gave them minimal instructions for their jobs and threatened to fire them for being 5 minutes late, they'd do the bare minimum to not be fired. But a heartfelt thank you and some understanding when they're late or sick makes them happy to come in and they work hard to help me. You can't run every business exactly like that, but it HAS to be a two-way street for companies. Nobody has a passion for fast food - it's not their dream career. If you treat people like they're worthless and lazy, they'll start to act that way. If we treat it like it's a dead-end job, so will the workers. Work isn't (and shouldn't be) the most important thing in these peoples' lives and companies have to stop acting like people are able to give 110% every day.