Shut your mouth and listen 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Seriously guys? Everytime I see that picture, I get closer to the day, where I am going to go mad.. .. that Noob with zeros instead of normal "o"s is pissing me off ^ ^
Great idea for a spring-time park visit 13 comments
iPad got stolen 17 comments
· 11 years ago
Woah....sounds like an adventure to me :) or a movie. Read it with a deep voice->"Johny's Iphone got stolen, now he only got 72 hours to get it back....and time is running"
a man out of time) 44 comments
· 11 years ago
ezioauditore, why are you here commenting on funsubstance, instead of fighting the templars?....
Always the case... Tsk tsk 11 comments
Spongebob finally gets logical 13 comments
· 11 years ago
Those were the times when spongebob was funny as hell :') miss those times.
Childhood vs. now 31 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah right ^ ^
A couple of weeks ago, I watched all seasons again of the original show. Somehow I found the new show on youtube and I was all like "...sometimes it's better to leave something in the past...". They tried to hard this time...
A couple of weeks ago, I watched all seasons again of the original show. Somehow I found the new show on youtube and I was all like "...sometimes it's better to leave something in the past...". They tried to hard this time...
Childhood vs. now 31 comments
Banned in America 73 comments
· 11 years ago
If you don't want to know the truth, then don't read my comment.
The truth is easy and simple. There are people who kill each other, because we can not live on the same planet. We laugh at each others for having a fucking opinion. We let other people do evil, because we are not brave enough, not bold enough to take action. I will not give a "we are perfect/ you are perfect" speech, I will tell it as it is. We will never be able to unite as humans as long as we are afraid of something that isn't really there, there is nothing that is holding you back, so go out and greet the day with joy. Be nice to the people you meet. As Ghandi said "be the change you wanna see in this world.."
The truth is easy and simple. There are people who kill each other, because we can not live on the same planet. We laugh at each others for having a fucking opinion. We let other people do evil, because we are not brave enough, not bold enough to take action. I will not give a "we are perfect/ you are perfect" speech, I will tell it as it is. We will never be able to unite as humans as long as we are afraid of something that isn't really there, there is nothing that is holding you back, so go out and greet the day with joy. Be nice to the people you meet. As Ghandi said "be the change you wanna see in this world.."
I can barely make a perfect snowball 5 comments
The greatest halloween costume 7 comments
· 11 years ago
What's the name of the show?
I'm being serious rightnow, I was lost in the sea and there was no TV nor Wi-Fi.
I'm being serious rightnow, I was lost in the sea and there was no TV nor Wi-Fi.
Hey Arnold 7 comments
Such an inviting and warm city 6 comments
US Navy Seal training in Kodiak, AK 15 comments
· 11 years ago
That dude standing on the stone looks so cool, like the grandmaster or something. Only thing that ruined this image for me were the boots ^ ^
It's a s*xual toy 14 comments
Not sure if piss or apple juice 18 comments
Not sure if piss or apple juice 18 comments
· 11 years ago
What's next? Are you going to tell me that Santa's not real? Come on, that's probably fake
What's next? Are you going to tell me that Santa's not real? Come on, that's probably fake
What Would Yours Say? 144 comments
· 11 years ago
Hermano, you don't seem to know me. It's oke, I'm not mad, it's your first time and you are a guest on this site, and guests should be treated as such. Did I ever tell you, the definition of Insanity?...
If you're interested. The book on this subject is called "no more Mr. Nice Guy" by Robert Glover :)