Leaving class early 2 comments
· 10 years ago
At first I thought that was president snow but then I realized who it was and cried. . .
When god pushes you to the edge of difficulty 11 comments
Jennifer Lawrence's Oscar accident 7 comments
How Stop Racism 2 comments
Your new cat name 60 comments
so... i got shot in the a** 50 comments
Biggest indoor beach in the world 3 comments
Knowledge is free 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Maybe it's a quote from an anonymous guy? Or from Guy Fawkes... Or both...
-Obama 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm not quite sure of what you're saying, but hospitals should have guidelines of things they must offer. What if I'm running a hospital, and my religion says that I can't remove appendices? You have appendicitis, and ours is the only hospital around. Do my religious freedoms let me deny you the health care you need?
I understand that having a baby didn't guarantee death, but it does add to the possibility of death, and it's a bit painful... (see other comment)
I hope that kinda got at what you were trying to say, but really I'm not sure what you were trying to say, sorry!
I understand that having a baby didn't guarantee death, but it does add to the possibility of death, and it's a bit painful... (see other comment)
I hope that kinda got at what you were trying to say, but really I'm not sure what you were trying to say, sorry!
-Obama 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes but doing that affects independent humans... And if you didn't jack off in front of 2nd graders, you'd be just fine. If you don't, on the other hand, get an abortion, you'll be forced to spend two to twenty four hours birthing a baby that you don't want and making a hole in your body go from about the size of a butt home to the size of a baby's head, which I can't imagine is comfortable.
Long story short, that's an illogical comparison.
Long story short, that's an illogical comparison.
Then and now 1 comments
· 10 years ago
I thought it was gonna end in a joke or something, but alas these are all legitimately true before and afters!
Ways to tell how you broke your hand 5 comments
Why do girls make duckfaces 3 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah but that's like saying we should make dog faces because people call us humans... we are both mammals!
11 year olds. 14 comments
· 10 years ago
It's just that I see lots of people just like this girl that don't post anything about the fact that they don't stay with the mainstream on things like one direction, teen pregnancies, twilight, etc. Sure, Faith in the generation or whatever, but I feel like she just posted the question to get answers like "you just restored my faith in your generation" and stuff like that...
But that's just my opinion...
But that's just my opinion...
Now this looks like fun 4 comments
11 year olds. 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Tbh, imho, even though I may get thumbs downed for saying this, she seems kinda like an attention whore to me...