One Happy Camper


My life consists of Netflix, music, and food. That's about it. My favorite thing in the whole world is definitely creating and making music.

— One Happy Camper Report User
Fun fact 40 comments
violinist_panda · 5 years ago
Love Simon?
He knows his math 12 comments
violinist_panda · 6 years ago
Big boy gru 11 comments
violinist_panda · 6 years ago
Big boy gru 11 comments
violinist_panda · 6 years ago
Always the best from Big Daddy Slaz
Me at the end of this semester 13 comments
violinist_panda · 6 years ago
I don’t mean to be Haydn, but whyyyy
When your roommates can't find the tape measure 7 comments
violinist_panda · 7 years ago
You know what they say about big feet.....big shoes.....
What actually happened to the dinosaurs 16 comments
violinist_panda · 7 years ago
They just go from like 0 to
I might get a mugging for this 6 comments
violinist_panda · 7 years ago
Wonder how many babies come out of that 14,000
so true though! 13 comments
violinist_panda · 7 years ago
Yes I shall go expend my resources on materials that I will use like twice until they break
so true though! 13 comments
violinist_panda · 7 years ago
But's like having a 12 inch sized rulers
so true though! 13 comments
violinist_panda · 7 years ago
Use the same ruler...12 times...
so true though! 13 comments
violinist_panda · 7 years ago
Who the heck needs 12 rulers!?
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Guess it was getting hot in there 7 comments
violinist_panda · 7 years ago
Or Peter Griffin
Oddly threatening church sign 7 comments
violinist_panda · 7 years ago
Those are some suspicious quotation marks....
Gotta stay afloat in the ocean 3 comments
violinist_panda · 7 years ago
When you're a percussionist and care more about the quads than whose playing them...
T h e r e ' s a s n a k e i n m y b o o t 3 comments
violinist_panda · 7 years ago
Imagine at the bottom of the boot it said "KGB" instead of "Woody."
wtf kumamon 3 comments
violinist_panda · 7 years ago
You'd think the other hand would be the one out to play the chords....
I'll leave now 8 comments
violinist_panda · 8 years ago
Turn-up? Teehee
Baby parrots looks like dinosaurs 20 comments
violinist_panda · 8 years ago
Birds are definitely, but crocodiles aren't. They've always been around and always been like that. Maybe a few changes here and there.
Baby parrots looks like dinosaurs 20 comments
violinist_panda · 8 years ago
Well, birds DID come from dinosaurs....
It's uncanny 6 comments
violinist_panda · 8 years ago
It all makes sense now. He's just a dick.
Big cosplay 9 comments
violinist_panda · 8 years ago
Can he...breathe....?
Get h*rny with clinton 11 comments
violinist_panda · 8 years ago
Is this at a Spencer's?