

— WasserStern Report User
Where’s Robin? 6 comments
wasserstern · 3 years ago
Why does uber eat drivers? *Badums*
If you don't know this lady's story you need to check it out 5 comments
wasserstern · 3 years ago
Yes, awesome story: just lie when you want money. Real hero of modern idiots who believe in words only and couple of teardrops
This man's IQ must be off the charts 10 comments
wasserstern · 3 years ago
I forget the English word for it I forget the English word for it I forget the English word for it and my buddy
This man's IQ must be off the charts 10 comments
wasserstern · 3 years ago
I forget the English word for it I forget the English word for it I forget the English word for it and my buddy
Busy thirsty Koala 11 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
Anyway if I want pizza I'll ask pizza. Not "give me that rounded colored thing".
Busy thirsty Koala 11 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
But what to do if I'm schizoid?
This is a painting 7 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
talented printer
Excited zonked stupendous Caterpillar 12 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
Oh, wait, I have to check bear has enough vodka
Excited zonked stupendous Caterpillar 12 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
@medros r u idiot?
Not very cash money of Russia 2 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
Fucking russiaphob
From our 1k person protest in Montana 14 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
Redman lives matter!
My memes are cuter than yours 4 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
Would it work for boobs?
*Hello* 3 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
May be it was the first cocaine bump
True but who? 6 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
Usually descriptions and definitions relate to last subject before
Something to think about 7 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
Good point to buy toilet paper
To all the anti-vaxxers out there 8 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
This one is genius
It's doing what it's made to do Karen 1 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
But carbon monoxide is extremly toxic
I cant just seem to avoid it....Better ideas come when I procrastinate 2 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
1 case is not common situation
Ironic 2 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
Norway isn't in eu. And what?
The truth has been spoken 2 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
Хуя себе предъява
Can’t unsee it 4 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
Sugar is just energy for brain like fructose in fruits and vegetables. There is no real difference. Some fruits contain ordinal sugar, for example grapes.
An interesting title 10 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
But she is dumb enough to not understand that this reaction not because she is woman. Model business is most stupid and useless profession.
After brexit 3 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
EU is most useless organization ever.
Fire fox baby 14 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
This is desert fox fennec. Not firefox. The firefox lives in china and called red panda, bc he is "bear".
The hk war cry 2 comments
wasserstern · 4 years ago
Another stupid forced fairy tale