Palestinian girl looking for her books under the ruins of her home 36 comments
· 10 years ago
Stop lying. (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/pictures/israel-launches-further-air-strikes-on-gaza-and-warns-of-ground-attack-9592715.html), tw graphic gore and injuries (http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/middle-east/140709/these-are-the-photos-gaza-too-graphic-for-some-news-media-to-show), (http://bigstory.ap.org/article/ap-photos-palestinians-bury-dead-after-airstrikes), (http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/middle-east-unrest/58k-gaza-kids-hit-death-injury-or-loss-home-10-n159306), (http://www.presstv.com/detail/2014/07/13/371162/israel-drops-cancerinducing-bombs-on-gaza/), (https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=758712887525161&permPage=1), (http://blogs.reuters.com/fullfocus/2014/07/09/air-strikes-in-gaza/#a=5), (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegalleries/worldnews/10953769/Israel-launches-military-offensive-in-the-Gaza-Strip-In-pictures.html), (http://bigstory.ap.org/article/israel-escalates-aerial-offensive-gaza)
Amazing argument against gun control 28 comments
· 10 years ago
It is though. That comment was directed at her because she's a woman and he wouldn't have said it if she was a man. So, as a woman, it affects me. Also "bitch" is a misogynistic slur, so you're not helping your case.
Also, that's why I said "as well as sex." As in, they're there to help reproduce, amongst other things, and part of reproduction includes sex and growing the fetus and birthing the baby. But the vagina isn't just there for sex.
Also, that's why I said "as well as sex." As in, they're there to help reproduce, amongst other things, and part of reproduction includes sex and growing the fetus and birthing the baby. But the vagina isn't just there for sex.
That is one serious couple 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Okay, fair enough. Then just sex-shaming then, which affects women more than anyone else. My mistake.
And, yes, Fox News are the assholes who believe that all gay men are pedophiles and all black people are criminals.
And, yes, Fox News are the assholes who believe that all gay men are pedophiles and all black people are criminals.
I heard a girl complain about her big boobs today 51 comments
· 10 years ago
Some people don't even have the smallest amount of money. We're in one of the worst recessions the world has ever seen. The economy sucks, people are losing their houses and jobs left and right and they do not have the energy, time, or money to exercise regularly or eat healthy. I know you think this is untrue, but luckily facts are still facts no matter what you think.
I heard a girl complain about her big boobs today 51 comments
· 10 years ago
And you've provided no sources either? So why should I listen to anything you have to say? But lalala actual sources!: (http://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=91817), (http://healthland.time.com/2012/09/05/can-you-be-fat-and-fit-or-thin-and-unhealthy/). Those are just a couple, I could provide more, but I don't feel like it at the moment. Who knew about science?
Anyways, honey, I guarantee the only reason you're calling me angry, judgmental, etc. even though my opposers are using the same kind of tone and talk, just different views, is because you disagree with me. It's pretty obvious. And if people stop listening to me because they dislike anger, then that's their anger and their immaturity getting in the way. It's not my problem if you're too shallow to listen to an angry person.
Fox News does influence the world. Not in big, obvious ways, but it influences how people (important, influential people included) think and act. So it does affect you indirectly.
Anyways, honey, I guarantee the only reason you're calling me angry, judgmental, etc. even though my opposers are using the same kind of tone and talk, just different views, is because you disagree with me. It's pretty obvious. And if people stop listening to me because they dislike anger, then that's their anger and their immaturity getting in the way. It's not my problem if you're too shallow to listen to an angry person.
Fox News does influence the world. Not in big, obvious ways, but it influences how people (important, influential people included) think and act. So it does affect you indirectly.
Every f*cking gym 26 comments
· 10 years ago
Good lord, so one woman speaks for the billions of us now? That's like saying Bill O'Reilly speaks for all white men.
I don't know how you don't get this, but feminism doesn't kill people? The most is does is condemn rapists and try to get them locked up, but whatever. You believe what you want.
Men don't deal with misogyny, because you're a boy. That's a fact. Misogyny is what keeps rapists out of jail, women continuously killed or attacked for saying "no", women getting paid less, etc. Men don't face this shit, so men don't face misogyny.
At what point did I say I believe girls are better than men? Hint: never. You all just got angry with me for telling you the truth that girls really don't care about looking good for you when they go to the gym, that's just your entitlement and ego showing.
By the way, I am treating men as they have treated me throughout my life, but I'm actually a lot better than a lot of men because I'm not threatening to rape or murder any of you.
I don't know how you don't get this, but feminism doesn't kill people? The most is does is condemn rapists and try to get them locked up, but whatever. You believe what you want.
Men don't deal with misogyny, because you're a boy. That's a fact. Misogyny is what keeps rapists out of jail, women continuously killed or attacked for saying "no", women getting paid less, etc. Men don't face this shit, so men don't face misogyny.
At what point did I say I believe girls are better than men? Hint: never. You all just got angry with me for telling you the truth that girls really don't care about looking good for you when they go to the gym, that's just your entitlement and ego showing.
By the way, I am treating men as they have treated me throughout my life, but I'm actually a lot better than a lot of men because I'm not threatening to rape or murder any of you.
Amazing argument against gun control 28 comments
· 10 years ago
Boobs and vaginas weren't made for sex, that's where the argument falls through. They're there to host fetuses and babies and help them survive, as well as sex. Guns were made for the purpose of killing people, that's a fact. Also, even if vaginas were made just for sex, how does that equal sex work? That's like using your argument but saying "being equipped with a gun doesn't make you an contract killer." Murder =/= contract killing, just like sex =/= sex work.
That is one serious couple 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Nah, man. I study sociology which includes the socialization of various marginalized groups and how it affects them, YOU get your opinions that you think are your own from Fox News and I'm the one who doesn't know what misogyny means.
Girls 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Lol, the "not all men" that's great! And yet this post labels all women under one group, but you don't seem to give a shit. I wonder why. :3
Comparing feminism to genocide and together is fucked up.
Honey, trust me, they're true. These comments prove them. Plus my experiences as an actual woman prove them. Men do not have nearly as much pressure from the media. They're valued more as human beings than as physical beings, whereas for women it's the opposite. And if you think the media and women trying to please men doesn't go hand in hand, I'm gonna need you to do some real research.
Ironman, what even. I'm just trying to enjoy myself just like yourself when all of the sudden I see some misogyny. Why is this on a site just for fun? I guarantee if I posted something like this about men, I wouldn't get nearly as much positive feedback. By the way, why are you looking at my comments?
Comparing feminism to genocide and together is fucked up.
Honey, trust me, they're true. These comments prove them. Plus my experiences as an actual woman prove them. Men do not have nearly as much pressure from the media. They're valued more as human beings than as physical beings, whereas for women it's the opposite. And if you think the media and women trying to please men doesn't go hand in hand, I'm gonna need you to do some real research.
Ironman, what even. I'm just trying to enjoy myself just like yourself when all of the sudden I see some misogyny. Why is this on a site just for fun? I guarantee if I posted something like this about men, I wouldn't get nearly as much positive feedback. By the way, why are you looking at my comments?
Palestinian girl looking for her books under the ruins of her home 36 comments
· 10 years ago
Google is your friend. I suggest you look up the stats on Israel bombings and Palestine bombings (from a source other than Fox News).
Palestinian girl looking for her books under the ruins of her home 36 comments
· 10 years ago
Despite what ellbarkai said, there is genocide going on in Gaza and Palestine. Instead of doing your whole elitist "books are so much better than everything else" and using this as an excuse to promote that elitism, making this about themselves than about this girl and seeing this for what it really is: a child picking the last remains of her home and really probably just drawing out sources of comfort amongst the war and bombings.
I heard a girl complain about her big boobs today 51 comments
· 10 years ago
Like, your average McDonald's menu, you can get a burger and fries for two dollars (ish) or a salad for six dollars. If you're broke as hell, like many people, which are you gonna choose. Also: the burger and fries provides more calories and thus more energy for people who have to work, a salad provides considerably less calories and less energy which would be bad if they're working.
Even if they were unhealthy, why do you care? You clearly don't care about their health or else you wouldn't be shaming their bodies on the Internet and making up facts. You don't care about their well being, or (again) you wouldn't be shaming their bodies. It doesn't affect you in any way, so why do you care?
Even if they were unhealthy, why do you care? You clearly don't care about their health or else you wouldn't be shaming their bodies on the Internet and making up facts. You don't care about their well being, or (again) you wouldn't be shaming their bodies. It doesn't affect you in any way, so why do you care?
I heard a girl complain about her big boobs today 51 comments
· 10 years ago
I have done research: 1.) listening to actual unbiased doctors and medical professionals rather than random dweebs 2.) listening to fat people share their experiences 3.) seeing fat people that were fat but ate healthy and exercised 4.) reeducated myself and realizing that just because Fox News or CNN or whoever says that being fat is unhealthy, that doesn't mean they're right. I mean, it's Fox News for god's sake.
Anyways, even if they were excuses, you're right: losing weight takes a lot of work and energy and money that some people don't have. So should they spare their energy because they have to go to work, should they spend their time with their kids, should they buy the cheaper groceries that they can actually afford, or should they worry about your basic opinions? Being fat has many social complexities behind it that you're failing to see because of, I'm assuming, your privilege.
Anyways, even if they were excuses, you're right: losing weight takes a lot of work and energy and money that some people don't have. So should they spare their energy because they have to go to work, should they spend their time with their kids, should they buy the cheaper groceries that they can actually afford, or should they worry about your basic opinions? Being fat has many social complexities behind it that you're failing to see because of, I'm assuming, your privilege.
I heard a girl complain about her big boobs today 51 comments
· 10 years ago
Like I said, your body and health are more complex than your microscopic understand of fat = unhealthy and skinny = healthy.
Also: do you not understand how the Olympics work.
Woo, that's why I said "most likely." Because it's rare for someone not to be affected by media constantly telling you that being skinny is beautiful and good while being fat is ugly and bad. Especially if you're a woman where beauty standards are heightened. It's like if the media constantly told you having six fingers is normal and fine while having five fingers is bad and abnormal, you're going to grow up insecure about your fingers and your hand if you have five fingers. Of course, it's rather the opposite in reality.
Also: do you not understand how the Olympics work.
Woo, that's why I said "most likely." Because it's rare for someone not to be affected by media constantly telling you that being skinny is beautiful and good while being fat is ugly and bad. Especially if you're a woman where beauty standards are heightened. It's like if the media constantly told you having six fingers is normal and fine while having five fingers is bad and abnormal, you're going to grow up insecure about your fingers and your hand if you have five fingers. Of course, it's rather the opposite in reality.
I heard a girl complain about her big boobs today 51 comments
· 10 years ago
Based off of what sources, honey? Lemme guess, your brain! Aw, you actually think you're coming up with all of this on your own. That's so cute.
Think of socialization this way: we see Peter Parker complain about being bullied and about not "getting" Mary Jane and such and we sympathize with him because bullying sucks. It's similar. Fat people are socialized to believe that they're less desirable, unhealthy, that they should do anything and everything possible to get smaller, etc. Peter Parker was socialized to know that his bully was the one with all the power and that he couldn't stand up for himself and he was programmed to have low self-esteem for a while. The same goes for fat people. But of course you only care about the skinny white guys.
Anyways, how do you know the average fat person's fitness routine? Despite your ignorance and denial, it is possible to be fat and healthy and eat healthy and exercise. Funnily enough, I've actually seen it in the flesh. Like I said, your bod
Think of socialization this way: we see Peter Parker complain about being bullied and about not "getting" Mary Jane and such and we sympathize with him because bullying sucks. It's similar. Fat people are socialized to believe that they're less desirable, unhealthy, that they should do anything and everything possible to get smaller, etc. Peter Parker was socialized to know that his bully was the one with all the power and that he couldn't stand up for himself and he was programmed to have low self-esteem for a while. The same goes for fat people. But of course you only care about the skinny white guys.
Anyways, how do you know the average fat person's fitness routine? Despite your ignorance and denial, it is possible to be fat and healthy and eat healthy and exercise. Funnily enough, I've actually seen it in the flesh. Like I said, your bod
Every f*cking gym 26 comments
· 10 years ago
Note: your actions are different from your existence as a human being. By that I mean, discriminating against someone because they're black, queer, etc. is different than discriminating against someone because of something they said. A pretty simply point, but one you have failed to grasp.
Every f*cking gym 26 comments
· 10 years ago
And that equates to me how? I want to stop victim-blaming and rape so I'm a Nazi? No wait, hold the phone: the Latina is the Nazi. Plot twist.
Anyways, I hold that ideal because the others = misogynists, murderers, rapists, etc. That's like calling me a Nazi because I'm anti-murderers and I actively protest and look down upon and want to get rid of murderers. The logic falls through.
You're a boy so you don't know shit about misogyny, because you don't experience it. Your opinions on feminism are irrelevant because it's not about you. I know you think that men are the most important thing and that women are obsessed with you all the time, but like I said, you aren't that special. Feminism is against the oppression of women.
I mean, half of what you say is completely illogical and completely falls through so why are you even trying at this point?
Anyways, I hold that ideal because the others = misogynists, murderers, rapists, etc. That's like calling me a Nazi because I'm anti-murderers and I actively protest and look down upon and want to get rid of murderers. The logic falls through.
You're a boy so you don't know shit about misogyny, because you don't experience it. Your opinions on feminism are irrelevant because it's not about you. I know you think that men are the most important thing and that women are obsessed with you all the time, but like I said, you aren't that special. Feminism is against the oppression of women.
I mean, half of what you say is completely illogical and completely falls through so why are you even trying at this point?
Every f*cking gym 26 comments
· 10 years ago
Um, Nazis killed people. I am commenting on the Internet with the information I have learned through studying sociology + common sense? How is that the same? I could say the same about you, that you're a Nazi because you think you're superior because of arguments that make no sense at all.
But whatever, honey. I know it's hard for you boys to debate, I understand. It's just not in your genetics for you to be able to think this way, it's evolution working against you. After all, boys just aren't as good at some things (like logical debate) while girls are. It's not your fault. :)
But whatever, honey. I know it's hard for you boys to debate, I understand. It's just not in your genetics for you to be able to think this way, it's evolution working against you. After all, boys just aren't as good at some things (like logical debate) while girls are. It's not your fault. :)
Every f*cking gym 26 comments
· 10 years ago
You're comparing women who no longer want to be oppressed to genocide.
Think about that real hard, honey: you're comparing genocide and murder and torture to feminism. Yeah, okay. I see I'm definitely supposed to respect you.
Think about that real hard, honey: you're comparing genocide and murder and torture to feminism. Yeah, okay. I see I'm definitely supposed to respect you.
Every f*cking gym 26 comments
· 10 years ago
I am, actually. And it's pretty awesome. I mean, who really wants to take guys who are just butthurt from being "friend-zoned" seriously anyways?
I heard a girl complain about her big boobs today 51 comments
· 10 years ago
Good lord, did you not hear me? I said for the sake of your argument, let's pretend that these women aren't fat: the socialization is still the same.
Did you just say what's stopping fat people from competing in the Olympics when: 1.) there are fat people who compete in the Olympics you're just jumping through hoops because you don't want to accept that you can be healthy and fat and 2.) that's like me asking why aren't there more average skinny people in the Olympics. Why isn't my neighbor in the Olympics? (Hint: it's because it's the fucking Olympics.)
Also, how the fuck do you know how the perceptions from the rest of the world has affected them? Like, how do you even think you know? It most likely has, but they still competed in the Olympics. Jesus christ.
Fine, honey. Believe what you want to believe even though it goes against reality and modern (unbiased) science, but you're right. You think whatever your precious self wants to think.
Did you just say what's stopping fat people from competing in the Olympics when: 1.) there are fat people who compete in the Olympics you're just jumping through hoops because you don't want to accept that you can be healthy and fat and 2.) that's like me asking why aren't there more average skinny people in the Olympics. Why isn't my neighbor in the Olympics? (Hint: it's because it's the fucking Olympics.)
Also, how the fuck do you know how the perceptions from the rest of the world has affected them? Like, how do you even think you know? It most likely has, but they still competed in the Olympics. Jesus christ.
Fine, honey. Believe what you want to believe even though it goes against reality and modern (unbiased) science, but you're right. You think whatever your precious self wants to think.
I heard a girl complain about her big boobs today 51 comments
· 10 years ago
Do you know nothing?
Okay, for the sake of your illogical argument, let's say these women aren't fat. Guess what? Seeing as the rest of the human world does see them as fat, they're treated as such. They're harassed, bullied, etc. So the socialization is still the same.
Also: there are skinny people who stay skinny no matter how much they eat even if they never exercise, are you really telling me you don't believe that the reverse can be true?
Okay, for the sake of your illogical argument, let's say these women aren't fat. Guess what? Seeing as the rest of the human world does see them as fat, they're treated as such. They're harassed, bullied, etc. So the socialization is still the same.
Also: there are skinny people who stay skinny no matter how much they eat even if they never exercise, are you really telling me you don't believe that the reverse can be true?
I heard a girl complain about her big boobs today 51 comments
· 10 years ago
No, it's not. Jesus christ. I dare to you go to the great trouble of a google search and look up Olympic athletes, particularly women in the weight-lifting section, and then tell me that being fat is unhealthy.
According to the most recent source, 1,915 Gazan people have been killed and 65 Israeli people have been killed. Israel is one of the biggest and most funded military forces in the world, don't give me that "self-defense" talk.