Think before you speak (My poetry)-->Hellopoetry.com/TheEndofForever
— whysoserious Report User
going on a "THIS IS f*ckING FEMINISM NOT YOUR TUMBLR SHIT" rampage get out of my way. 17 comments
· 8 years ago
I have a very "Who the fuck cares" opinion about opinions. This seems to help me so much compared to the idiots I know. Watching stupidity in motion is painful and things like this are equivalent to medication for me. Nice rampage, by the way.
Fight For Women's Rights 45 comments
Fight For Women's Rights 45 comments
· 8 years ago
We've both been down voted, but I agree with you Sweg. Men are not the enemy. And what my "friend" told me, to me, that's not feminism. That hate promotion. I get pissed anytime someone says "Masculinity is fragile". So is feminism, get off your high horse, ladies and gents.
Don't you dare 2 comments
*runs* 1 comments
Fight For Women's Rights 45 comments
· 8 years ago
There's an odd Freshman in a class I TA for (I'm a Senior). He likes me, but hasn't made any moves quite yet. Today he said I looked good in my dress, and he likes my ring. My feminist trans friend told me I should tell him off for harassment. Poor kid hasn't done anything :/ I'm all for women's rights (who isn't??) But because of shit like this I don't label myself feminist...
Me at the end of the semester 4 comments
Urgh! 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Might just be me but that seems pretty disrespectful... The man is gone. Millions loved him, and I was pretty devastated when I found out after getting into Nirvana. I agree with needmorec4; Twitter wasn't a thing and it does NOT measure talent or worth. So no, she is not right about "the Cobain bit". She's actually pretty damn wrong in all her posts.
Please say you've seen this guy xD 10 comments
· 8 years ago
He does this as an improv thing :) You should see his other ones (Weird Satanist Guy and Weird Arby's Guy)
Please say you've seen this guy xD 10 comments
Please say you've seen this guy xD 10 comments
Two extremes of a girl 9 comments
One of the finest performances ever 7 comments
· 9 years ago
A gaming youtuber I love (Seananners) references it a LOT. Maybe I should watch it..
Jehova's witnesses during halloween 20 comments
Maybe It's Time For A Change 18 comments
· 9 years ago
I've honestly never had a bad experience with males, never met a bad guy, but I still enjoy things like this.
One of the finest performances ever 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Is that the movie where the guy really wants some lotion in a basket? Or on skin? Something?
When a burn attempt didn't work 7 comments
· 9 years ago
I freakin LOVE Monster. So much I can't drink it anymore or it might damage me even more :D <3
Girls on snapchat after a night of drinking 2 comments
Apparently everybody has double standards 22 comments
· 9 years ago
That sounds frustrating. My boyfriend is short. I'm 5' so he's about 5'3.
Apparently everybody has double standards 22 comments
· 9 years ago
But he asked for weight? Shouldn't he have asked for height? I'll be honest, I prefer guys that are taller than I am but my boyfriend now is short