A very short lived world 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Also depends on the age of consent... it's 16 where I'm from. Some states in the USA I believe it's 14...
I'm Sure I'm Not The Only Person Who Does It 20 comments
I'm Sure I'm Not The Only Person Who Does It 20 comments
· 7 years ago
Never had Ben and Jerry's!?!? Get yourself to the supermarket and get your flavour on!!!
At the cinema we have pick and mix as well as packet sweets of all kinds. Hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, any drink you can think of!
At the cinema we have pick and mix as well as packet sweets of all kinds. Hot dogs, nachos, popcorn, any drink you can think of!
I'm Sure I'm Not The Only Person Who Does It 20 comments
I'm Sure I'm Not The Only Person Who Does It 20 comments
· 7 years ago
So why can you buy peanut m&m's and ice cream with peanut butter cups and chocolate and pick and mix?
Always innovate 23 comments
· 7 years ago
They're not allowed to stop you taking your own stuff here!
Jesus....i always take my own! Wouldn't be able to afford to go otherwise!
Jesus....i always take my own! Wouldn't be able to afford to go otherwise!
I'm 30. I thought I had more time 10 comments
Rice puffing in a pot that is juuuuuuust big enough 5 comments
· 7 years ago
I only saw the gif at the end to start with....looked like squirming maggots...
Edited 7 years ago
Unethical system 8 comments
Thumbs up for naked man 3 comments
Here's Something Nice You Can Try 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh Lord! Richmond is stunning- I used to live a 20 min train ride from there.
Ron deserves better than this 9 comments
Here's Something Nice You Can Try 14 comments
· 7 years ago
That is ridiculously expensive for a generic load of bread! Looking at the exchange rate (I'm in Uk) I don't pay more than $2 for a loaf and that's a named brand. If it was a supermarket brand you're looking at under a $
Ron deserves better than this 9 comments