Here's Something Nice You Can Try 14 comments
· 7 years ago
Fuck me that's some expensive bread you're buying! Fresh from the bakery and enough to last a couple of weeks????
Here's Something Nice You Can Try 14 comments
Oreos 7 comments
Birthday in college 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Would have been cheaper to buy and make a box cake or even a ready made sponge cake
The beast has been fed 34 comments
· 7 years ago
That awful! Surely recycling or composting would be better?? You can't just throw things down the drain!!
The beast has been fed 34 comments
Ive been ignorant my whole life 8 comments
Aaaaaand there's me 0 friends 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Of people called a random person Uncle here that's like saying there a paedophile. Like the opposite of respect.
I meant no offense - just shows how different cultures can be i suppose.
I meant no offense - just shows how different cultures can be i suppose.
Is this even a question? Of course it's not! 29 comments
Back to School 1 comments
Panda flies an aeroplane like a human 8 comments
Women Gym called the G Spot 19 comments
Meat is a murder 15 comments
It's sad because it's true 13 comments
· 7 years ago
I cannot understand how they legitimately believe in the flat earth idea though.
I'd actually like one of the believers to sit down and explain without blaming "brainwashing" or "conspriacy".
Explain your scientific reasons - with proof and research why you think the earth is flat.
(And "we're part of Terry Pratchetts disc world" is not a valid argument)
I'd actually like one of the believers to sit down and explain without blaming "brainwashing" or "conspriacy".
Explain your scientific reasons - with proof and research why you think the earth is flat.
(And "we're part of Terry Pratchetts disc world" is not a valid argument)
So pretty 8 comments
So pretty 8 comments
· 7 years ago
It's a fun track but for some reason I'm best as moo moo meadows...Its the only one I can win on!