

windscryer Report User
You Just Got Burned. Over B**bs. You Just Got B**b-Burned... 82 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
Are you a single guest chasing me across comment threads just to be rude or did I miss the memo on "Hate Windscryer Day"?

You know what? I don't care. You win. I'm gone.

Peace out, awesome people of FunSubstance.

Guest, you can take your boobs and hips and go fuck yourself with them.
13 · Edited 11 years ago
They rule our lives! 17 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
I'm not feeling sorry for myself. It was both a fucking joke and a serious question because of my unique circumstances—which you don't know. After all, none of this takes into account the fact that I have a stalker who has made me wary of relationships or the fact that I am not heteronormative and live in a highly bigoted area.

I appreciate your concern, but I have a therapist, I don't need your comment section psychoanalysis.
They rule our lives! 17 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
1. I never said it was?
2. *Sass* said there is someone for everyone, I neither agreed not disagreed, but allowed for the possibility, which is exactly what you told me to do. So yay! I accomplished something today! *puts gold sticker on her chart* My therapist will be pleased. ^_^
3. I'm demi anyway, so "love at first sight" is already out the window and I won't ever "fall" in love so much as stroll slowly down the mountainside hand in hand.
4. Whether there is a single "soulmate" or a million of potential partners for each person is a rather existential debate, not a provable fact, and the true answer (if there is one) is probably more dependent on the person in question than anything else. What if your "soulmate" was born a thousand years ago? What if all but one of your entire pool of candidates lives on the other side of the world right now so you only *think* there's one. There's just no way to really know, is there?
I'm brave 15 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
This entire website is about resharing things. I think we'll survive. :)
I've reenacted this scene every time I've eaten jell-o since 13 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
Hello friend I am girl. :)



I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. *shame*

Seriously, though, I literally don't know what this is in reference to.
6 · Edited 11 years ago
So cute! 20 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
Then keep on truckin', my friend. High school eventually ends.
Poor Dr. Banner 22 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
First I would suggest going to a website that can actually address this issue? Try
Best tattoo 17 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
Well you said you shot her ass and then— *sigh* Never mind.
Get a load of this guy 10 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
Not nothing. I bet it was really satisfying to mail that fucker off.
You Just Got Burned. Over B**bs. You Just Got B**b-Burned... 82 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
He can say it. He just needs to do so with the knowledge that those of us on FS who have one will correct him if needed.
So cute! 20 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
Take it from someone probably twice your age: the sooner you learn to filter that shit out, the happier you'll be.
They rule our lives! 17 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
Possibly, but with my dopamine and seratonin levels will I know it when I find them?
"cas-get-into-my-ass" 30 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
Everyone can have cookies. Have good sportsmanship, my footballing friend.
Best tattoo 17 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
I'm confused. Where are you shooting her again?
So cute! 20 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
P.S. I'm also a virgin and haven't been a teenager for enough years that "score" takes on a new context in this discussion. I honestly don't understand what all the hype is about on either side of that fence.
So cute! 20 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
*sigh* Yes, thank you, I can see that it's using claws. It's called a joke.

And how? Seriously, how is that an accomplishment "considering the other teenagers today"? I'm real happy you're happy with your decision—good for you—but where do the other teenagers come into it? Unless you're constantly being asked for sex by these other teenagers, I fail to see the relevance. They're probably really happy with their decisions too, and isn't that something we can all agree is a good thing? I like happy people, whatever their sexual activity or history.
1 · Edited 11 years ago
So cute! 20 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
So? You've never left scratch marks on a lover's back before?
Get a load of this guy 10 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
This is like looking at the Rosetta Stone. I have no idea what's going on, but it's impressive anyway.
You wouldn't eat this baby 33 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
Good Guy Vegan
You Just Got Burned. Over B**bs. You Just Got B**b-Burned... 82 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
It only causes arousal because you're socialized to think it should. Cultures where women go topless all the time and breasts are seen as just food for babies don't have this issue. (Think of tribes in Africa that remain traditional.)

And this isn't an excuse. You have a brain. You can recognize that society is full of shit and de-program yourself.
What Now, Charming? Eugene Is Sounding Pretty Good, Huh? 26 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
Thaaaaaat changes everything I thought I knew about OUaT. O_O
That's how the black heron rolls 23 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
My kind of wrapping paper 4 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
I need it.
I see what you did there !! 4 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
No, I'm a witch.
Teenagers these days 47 comments
windscryer · 11 years ago
Ouch. You don't have to like every comment he makes, but you don't have to hate mgoveia on principle. Jeebus.
1 · Edited 11 years ago