Happy weekend m8 83 comments
· 10 years ago
I see we have another rebel here.
Equality? I think not. 62 comments
· 10 years ago
Pink_cotton_candy, did you read the article? She has anger management issues! "The story behind it" Are you for real right now? He almost lost his eye! You sound just like society telling women that they "must've done something to provoke it" and that "we don't know the full story" when it comes to rape.
50 Shaves a day 12 comments
· 10 years ago
That's how I feel, which is why I spoke up against all the negativity towards the book. I honestly liked the book and never even thought people would protest it. If it had been an abusive relationship, I probably would've been the first to put it down, but it was actually thoroughly enjoyable. But yes, I agree to your whole comment.
50 Shaves a day 12 comments
· 10 years ago
They do have a safe word. At the beginning they only have "vanilla sex" which is what he calls regular sex, because she's a virgin when she meets him, until she wants to do more of BDSM, and even then he asks her quite a few times if she's sure. I didn't really think she was terrified in the movie, but she was intimidated by him in the book because of all the power he had and she was sort of shy and obedient, until later on in the book. She never felt scared of him, though. She trusted him a lot in the books. It was only at the end of the first one when she asks him to whip her as hard as he wants that she decides to leave because she feels unsafe and uncomfortable, but he realizes how wrong it was of him and never hurts her that much again, and doesn't feel the need to either. They find a sort of "in between" where they do what she likes and what he likes and are happy with it.
50 Shaves a day 12 comments
· 10 years ago
for me anyways. Also, like lindsmolinari mentioned, it's a PORN book and there will never be a porn book where the girl doesn't like sex, at least not where she doesn't like sex with the main guy(s).
50 Shaves a day 12 comments
· 10 years ago
It's a BDSM relationship and I've read reports on 50 Shades of Grey where people that are into BDSM have said that their relationships are just like that. She (the girl in the book) signed a contract, knowing full well what she was going into, and she even refused to use some of the stuff that was listed. Plus, he changed a lot throughout the books in his sex preference and at the end, they were happy with it. Also, there are a lot of porn videos out there that are almost just like the scenes in the book, yet those are okay even though they're real people. It really just comes down to what you like in bed. Pain and pleasure or just pleasure, but you have to understand that there are people out there that like the alternative, no matter how alien it is to you, and this is coming from someone who read the book and isn't into BDSM. And I just want to add, that him being rich really has nothing to do with it. It's how he's described, the way he does small things, his sex appeal, at least
Happy weekend m8 83 comments
· 10 years ago
I searched for red pancake because balonyman said not to, which tempted me, and the web results were what it was.
Happy weekend m8 83 comments
Oh my 12 comments
· 10 years ago
And the fact remains that stealing and rape are very different, not just legally, but morally. A woman's body is her own. If she wants to wear yoga pants then she should without having to be worried about being raped. Hell, if she wants to wear nothing, she should, because it is her body and she should decide what happens to it.
Respect is a two way street 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Don't know why you got downvoted (I up voted you). It was posted only a few days ago and reposts so soon are annoying.
Jarek gets owned 9 comments
my reaction to the new iPhone and iwatch 26 comments
Tim Harris a restaurant owner in the US with Down Syndrome, serves food & hugs. 8 comments
· 10 years ago
I live where his restaurant is and he came by to our school! He's honestly one of the sweetest and funniest people I've met! He was telling the story of what his doctor said to his parents when he was born and it was that the doctor apologized and he said, "That's because he didn't know I'd be so awesome!" His optimism is inspiring, and he was giving out free hugs at the end of the assembly!
Edited 10 years ago
Always respect 26 comments
Always respect 26 comments
· 10 years ago
Well I'm a girl, but I get where you're coming from, which is why I said unless they break relationships. I don't think the prostitute would want to be tied down in a relationship anyway if that's the predicament. Thank you! *starts throwing brownies*