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Proof that time travelers exist 8 comments
woah · 7 years ago
It's the usain bolt pose guys comon
The Gay Agenda 7 comments
woah · 7 years ago
Duh, everyone knows what the gays are planning! Who doesn't know what the gay agenda is all about? Seriously, it's so straightforward I'm not even going to explain it to you.
Guess whos got suspended 3 comments
woah · 7 years ago
I love the newest companion 12 comments
woah · 7 years ago
Go away, Theresa May 18 comments
woah · 7 years ago
Cockbin is my new favourite name
Go away, Theresa May 18 comments
woah · 7 years ago
Welcome to politics
Go away, Theresa May 18 comments
woah · 7 years ago
David Cameron, she went full brexit so most people's opinion of her for depends on their opinion on brexit
An Englishman, a Frenchman 13 comments
woah · 7 years ago
Too many many memes my eyes send help
yeah seriously 6 comments
woah · 7 years ago
yeah seriously 6 comments
woah · 7 years ago
Poes law intensifies
that's a good deal 1 comments
woah · 7 years ago
The little dog cartoon really sells it
Just a prank, bro 15 comments
woah · 7 years ago
I don't think you understand what addiction is or how it works
Accurate 15 comments
woah · 7 years ago
in which women can't drive
Will never know 15 comments
woah · 7 years ago
You do realise schools still have computer labs right?
What's your excuse 4 comments
woah · 7 years ago
(Ur a banned item)
Interesting Cat Facts You Probably Don't Know 11 comments
woah · 7 years ago
So the Egyptians named cats based on the noise they made?
America and evolution 32 comments
woah · 7 years ago
Dumb people gunna dumb we can't stop that, better they go on believing the earth is flat than actually doing harmful shit
America and evolution 32 comments
woah · 7 years ago
Very very few people actually think the earth is flat, their little community is blown far out of proportion
Some thoughts 2 comments
woah · 7 years ago
Chimp Shows More Feels than Some Humans 11 comments
woah · 7 years ago
She's got my vote 29 comments
woah · 7 years ago
How is my argument nonsensical? Trump knew what he was doing. He deliberately mis-sold his university to vulnerable young people to make a quick buck, and now you made him the leader of your great nation.
She's got my vote 29 comments
woah · 7 years ago
It was a scam. Donald Trump scammed people out of money and is now the leader of your free nation. God help you.
She's got my vote 29 comments
woah · 7 years ago
Does show a lot about his ethics though don't you think?
She's got my vote 29 comments
woah · 7 years ago
Even if that's true, which it isn't, Trump has made some really terrible business ventures - cough Trump University cough
Diabetes bag improvement 8 comments
woah · 7 years ago
It's diabetes everywhere
7 · Edited 7 years ago