Brandon Freeman


— Brandon Freeman Report User
Good boi in the making 1 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
“C-can I snugglez it now??”
New student 5 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
Being from the Glove I can say that hurts ;=;
No way he did it 7 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
Why Men Don't Live as Long as Women 8 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
Heck yeah I’d try it
Italy did not disappoint! 2 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
Anyone else see an Abe Lincoln profile in the mountain range???
I want to say she's pretty,but...Does that mean...He's...Pretty..Too? 8 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
Yup. I’m staunchly heterosexual and I too think Brad Pitt is hot as hell.
Notice me! 6 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
He's a great dad! 3 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
Yer a wizzerd ‘arry!
Baby raccoons 5 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
Filthy garbage monsters
Who's your god now? 7 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
Solid Snake’s ultimate fantasy.
SNEAK 100 5 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
Roaches disguised as people!
SNEAK 100 5 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
*Metal Gear Solid alert noise sounds*
Vege is healthy 5 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
Lol “Cherrios”. You got the name right at least because I’ve never felt actual “cheer” while eating a bowl of Cheerios.
I.... I.... F**k it 7 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
The new Arby’s exotic meat mascots
Merp derp 9 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
Omg lmao!!
Photographer 360° spin 5 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
You’d think they’d get caught on something mid jump and horrific injuries would ensue.
Unexpected domino 4 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 5 years ago
Me too. @_@
Laziest thing you can ever do 6 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 6 years ago
Laziest thing you can ever do 6 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 6 years ago
What’s ‘barpat’ mean?
The whole new world 10 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 6 years ago
Would that wish be in conflict with one of the rules the Genie laid out, bringing people back from the dead?
The business class 5 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 6 years ago
I laughed at this way harder than I should have
Dave Grohl is an amazing tipper with a good sense of humor 6 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 6 years ago
Why not $332.70 for an even $666.00?
10 thousand years old glacial 9 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 6 years ago
Somebody somewhere is gonna want pieces of it to stick in their whisky glass.
Impossible Standards for Billionaires 4 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 6 years ago
I seriously misread that as Matt Boner.....
Until they feel the need to say they love you 9 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 6 years ago
Did you eat??? >:•[
2 · Edited 6 years ago