Brandon Freeman


— Brandon Freeman Report User
I would lose it 4 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
Yeah I can see that
That actually explains a lot. 2 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
Potatoes? 8 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
Too sweet 1 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
Like I said 1 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
XD XD XD omg that pause
The dent it would leave in your finger 3 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
Unless you were composed of pure electricity and could charge the batteries with your fingers.
Animal kingdom be wilding 4 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
It's Richard Madden! :)
lololololololol 3 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
I like guns
What good is life without steak 7 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
He he he I finally watched that movie recently...
Literally me 1 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
Yeah okay.... *laughs in 30s*
You can do anything you set your mind to, man 3 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
@ewqua not sure why you got downvoted because you speak the truth. Not to mention some people are genetically *unable* to lose weight and will always have some measure of fat on them.
They uh, don't make them like they used to? 6 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
Scooter for the tooter
They don’t 5 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
You aren't missing anything tbh, the lack of diversity in those movies is appalling.
Been and gone 3 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
Yup, some of the series are okay, but you can really tell how lower budget they look.
Classic 1 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
Makes you wonder whose legs he pulled off to do this joke.....
What an awesome man 1 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
That's amazing!
Look how they massacred my boy 1 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
Thank you
Look what I dug up! 1 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
I love this movie
Escape the simulation 2 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
Man I wish.....
Classic 1 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
Progress 1 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 1 year ago
Looks good to me
There's one faster way though 3 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 2 years ago
Explain please @jasonmon???
1 · Edited 2 years ago
I've always found this funny 7 comments
wolfballoonsquad · 2 years ago
@graffyn_guy yeah you're correct, I guess they found he was part of some....riot or something?? What a waste.