I'm guilty of this 59 comments
· 7 years ago
Nice. Concise.
I'm guilty of this 59 comments
That smiley face tho 2 comments
SJW Logic 31 comments
· 7 years ago
That's how a lot of dating starts actually....Do you live in some alternate reality or something?
SJW Logic 31 comments
· 7 years ago
Compliment does not necessarily= flirting. Everything doesnt have to be sexual damnit
What a caring guy 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Being down-voted for solid jokes over perceived racism. This is how comedy dies.
The phones could be a bit related to that 61 comments
· 7 years ago
Wow, yes, ignore the part where I said harder bits are taught earlier and earlier. Nice strawman, bud. Ignore the actual argument for the one you want to have.
The phones could be a bit related to that 61 comments
· 7 years ago
You misunderstand. we're being taught harder and harder math and science earlier and earlier. Also science hasn't changed? That's an ignorant statement in and of itself.
The phones could be a bit related to that 61 comments
· 7 years ago
Especially with how much more complicated math and science have gotten. hell, even history keeps getting more complex
The phones could be a bit related to that 61 comments
· 7 years ago
Guessing you're not american, because of the time standard you use. European schooling has always been leagues easier. Average European C is American F
Going undercover to get laid 15 comments
Must have a tail 8 comments
It's like he's using a typewriter 5 comments
· 7 years ago
This writing sucks to read because it's too uniform, it's hard for the eyes to focus on an individual line
That's a good joke 14 comments
· 7 years ago
downvoted because of politics, but you are technically correct, the best kind of correct.
God bless Star Trek 23 comments
· 7 years ago
but why are they saying it? Because "you" in this situation reacts so strongly to it. That gives it the power they use against "you"
God bless Star Trek 23 comments
He got a point 22 comments
· 7 years ago
Wow those words are well-twisted at the end there. Emotions making someone less of a person somehow, that's a bit mean and presumptious. Us being unable to put aside feelings somehow dehumanizes the girl in our eyes, makes sense. Maybe if you read another post earlier in the thread you'd see the "switchboard feelings" remark, describing how disturbing it is to expect someone to be able to turn a feeling on or off on a dime. Oh and the "befriend someone you like" bit, "like" in friend terms and romantic terms are different things, as I assume they are for women as well.
A classic film 19 comments
· 7 years ago
I worked with a black guy that would tell us to call him nigger, and would refer to us as boss or bossman specifically to make us uncomfortable. Great guy, wonderful sense of humor about him.
No Jail Time But its Something 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Isn't it weird how as humans we can look at other humans, not know anything about them, but know they're pieces of trash? Like look at them and tell me you didn't know they were doing something shitty in general.
You can't trust women. No loyalty 10 comments
He got a point 22 comments
· 7 years ago
You ignored the concept of a guy that doesn't just want sex. Im aware there are "Fuckboys", you addressed them in your comment, but in a way that insinuates that they're the only people there. I don't know if you're male, female, or apache attack helicopter, but guys can't really be friends with girls we're into. It NEVER works out. Even if you think it does, later down the line he fucks up one of her relationships or vice versa because we're bad at dropping feelings. If a guy is still friendly with a girl he was into, he has NOT gotten over them. Guys can only really be healthy friends with girls they were never into. Trust me.