When you fart in the cheese isle 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Looks like someone was cutting the cheese
This is how the new Earth flag looks like 23 comments
And they all lived happily ever after 7 comments
· 9 years ago
....I'm literally so dumb I thought the kid grew up and the cat killed him
Gotta get your videos out there somehow 27 comments
You know you're racist when... You ask for sources? 18 comments
· 9 years ago
??? Where did you find that the OP was writing about his or her past experiences?
All I see is some guy using the racism card because he/she didn't do a part of his/her assignment
All I see is some guy using the racism card because he/she didn't do a part of his/her assignment
Relationship goals 8 comments
Cat's eyeliner on point 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Sigh I stalk this cat on insta what is wrong with me I am a 20 year old man
I have weird music stuck in my head 9 comments
Music wars 5 comments
*dancing away from your bullsh*t, Carolina renaissance festival Wannabe* 10 comments
· 9 years ago
Music taste is subjective anyways, listen to some metal, classical or country and breakdance to that shit
*sigh* College life 6 comments
· 9 years ago
My uni's tradition is basically the same, but you have to roll down the field in front of my uni center all the way to the street, which is basically a football field and a half
<insert clever pun here> 21 comments
Resting b*tch-Face Queens 10 comments
Kids these days 4 comments
What... What the f**k is this? 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Well you see, when doge and moon moon loves each other very much, this little fella came out.