Anti... 6 comments
· 8 years ago
And you thought your hiatus was bad
Rape jokes aren't funny. 80 comments
· 9 years ago
No one in that situation is really in the right.
1. Rape jokes are not funny and shouldn't be said, especially if you are not 100000% sure the other person is okay with it.. It's a serious thing that screws up people's lifes, and it's a subject that shouldn't be made lighter by telling jokes about it
2. While yes the joke is bad, threatening to sexually assault someone is being a complete hypocrite by saying "Rape jokes aren't funny. And to make sure to get my point across, I'm going to sexually assault somebody to prove it". It's a dumb backwards thought pattern, and doesn't solve anything, just create more problems.
1. Rape jokes are not funny and shouldn't be said, especially if you are not 100000% sure the other person is okay with it.. It's a serious thing that screws up people's lifes, and it's a subject that shouldn't be made lighter by telling jokes about it
2. While yes the joke is bad, threatening to sexually assault someone is being a complete hypocrite by saying "Rape jokes aren't funny. And to make sure to get my point across, I'm going to sexually assault somebody to prove it". It's a dumb backwards thought pattern, and doesn't solve anything, just create more problems.
Men will never understand 26 comments
· 10 years ago
Why can't people just admit both genders have different versions of major pain instead of trying to prove that one feels more pain than the other. Neither gender can prove one which is worse because no one can understand both sides of this arguement, so how do you prove you're right? You can't, so let's just calm down and keep scrolling.
What I am in the process of doing 3 comments
· 10 years ago
... And then one night, when a guy just can't ignore it anymore, he will keep you up all night long.
during finals 11 comments
Let's do it! (Happy now, lucifer? ;) ) 48 comments
· 10 years ago
Wait... I was going to do something tomorrow.
Something about doctor who and tumblr
I.. I don't remember.
Something about doctor who and tumblr
I.. I don't remember.
Made me think of Umbridge 21 comments
When my favourite character dies on a tv show... 49 comments
· 10 years ago
Well she didn't die, she was just left in an alternative universe but basically the same thing
Every time i watch the episode i blink along 12 comments
Well... it is! Right? 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Why the fuck is Sherlock saying this and why does it strangely work really well with this picture?
Mah heart be getting dem feels 44 comments
This is cool and sad at the same time 16 comments
Unlockable characters 6 comments
Brian 8 comments