World Cup dominates 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Gotta love the pun-power here.
Bad thoughts 7 comments
Just kidding, I'm weird all the way through 9 comments
Firefighters vs Sewer Fire 7 comments
Mum had the last laugh 2 comments
· 6 years ago
The girl's graduation picture looks like Lily from How I Met Your Mother
Harry Potter and the Portrait of what looked like a large pile of ash.. (long post, sorry) 14 comments
Yeah awe 2 comments
· 6 years ago
THIS HAPPENED TO ME TODAY. Okay, so sort of a long story, I had my last exam today so last night I reeaally didn't want to study but even then tried to solve a few past papers. There was this one question I just couldn't solve and after trying for so long I was like eh this ain't gonna come. AND GUESS WHICH QUESTION CAME TODAY. fml
Let big brother Itachi soothe your soul 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I was reading a book by an Afghani author, Khalid Hosseini, and there was this line where, after seeing the pain and suffering of Afghanis, the protagonist goes to a developed city and in every little thing, imagines the city Kabul could've become. First time I actually closed a book to reeaally think about the words.
Ramadan Iftar in Cairo, Egypt 11 comments
Ramadan Iftar in Cairo, Egypt 11 comments
· 6 years ago
I love the spirit of Ramadan. Everyone just comes together, and idk what it is the whole month feels different and not a part of a usually sucky life. Was going somewhere and on the way saw that most footpaths were covered with a cloth on which plates of food were put. Really warmed my heart to see the poor eating properly, even if it was only for these few weeks. Wish it would happen every day of the year.
Buttlicker 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Mr. Bill Buttlicker would like to buy a million dollars worth of paper.
I was young, but I still remember that day 31 comments
· 6 years ago
I know that thousands in my country have been killed by Americans 'avenging' for a crime that someone else committed. On one side Taliban bomb us, on the other side it's the impending threat of ISIS coming, and on yet another side, Americans sending drones.
I was young, but I still remember that day 31 comments
· 6 years ago
Well guess what? The whole world remembers too. Because US killed more people (many times the number of fatalities in 9/11) in retaliation. After having lived in the US and really understanding the way people think about wars and stuff, it's hard not to realize that the US government and also the people think that only an American life is a life, all others don't even matter. 200 people killed in US drone air strikes? "They were ALL terrorists." 1 American killed? Shit hits the fan.